
Giant Skeletons Recently Found

Giant Skeletons Recently Found

Giant skeleton

This conspiracy has been denied for a long period of time. Recently scientist and archaeologist are taking another look at the prospect that there actually may have existed giants on the earth.

As recently as this past July evidence is mounting that the stories about giants even as long ago as was written in the bible. King David sent out a party to look into a nearby land. And when the men came back to give him a report they told him “we were like grass hoppers to them” translated meaning those were giants in that land.

Well recently in Chinese archaeologist have found the remains of buried giants. Reports have been made through-out the world of people finding other burials that containing giant bodies.

So this may be finally be coming to light as to what was on the earth in previous times. Who knows maybe hidden in some remote location there are still some of these giants still alive today.

Some these giant burial sites have even been found in the North America as well.