Future Technologies History Mind Control

Do You Think You’ve been Spied On?

Do you think you have been spied on? Well you just may be correct.

It seems that during the Covid-19 Pandemic a company that goes by the name of Predict-Wise has a data base that collect data on people movements. They have many different avenues of collecting this data on you.

The company uses cellphone data about the movements you make while traveling to different locations. One of the metrics they collect is whether or not you were on the movement more than your neighbors.

You may say so what does it matter, if they know where I am going I have nothing to hide. Hold on for one moment!

The Social Score

This information was used to create a social score that tell them how compliant you are to government edicts or mandates. It would compare you to others to determine your score. Still you might say so why do they want this information?

We should take a look at what they have been doing with this information. First some of the data collection points that they use: Facebook, Computers, Innovations Warrants Security, Federal Agencies, FBI stats many different sources of data. They collected 2billion GPS pings in real time for locations that people were traveling to.

Useful For Politicians

So who are the users of this information? The primary users of this data lately has been the Political Parties. They use the data to target individuals affiliations based on this data, as it reveals what venues you partake in, and how often and to what degree you are involved.

Privacy Issues

I do not know about you, but no one asked me if I wanted to be tracked, and my data to be sent to anyone period. To some companies this information is valuable. Millions of dollars are made selling this information to companies that want to sell you things. That being so, why didn’t they at least pay us something for that information which they are making millions on?

It seems to me that this goes contrary for a country that prides itself in freedoms, and individual privacy.

Mind Control Uncategorized

Is Free Market Capitalism all we need?

Is Free Market Capitalism all we need?

Let’s take a look at this conspiracy

In a socialistic system a few at the top make all of the decisions for you.

In a Free Market Capitalistic system you vote with your wallet.

If something has value to you, well then you’ll buy it. You voted with your wallet.

The person who designed and made it receives the rewards for making something useful for you.

The Socialist Promise

In socialist system, they say that you’ll get an equal share of the pie.

So how does that happen? Let’s see, will they take it by force from the producer, and give it to those who did nothing to help produce it?

That’s called stealing, any way you look at it!

Those who are pushing socialism will not explain this to anyone, they know that if people understood this they would reject socialism.

So what they do instead is push class warfare. They say that the rich are taking your share.

They don’t dare say that if you had produced it you would be the one receiving the rewards.

No Profits for You!

They want you to instead envy those who have created things, and profit from their creations.

This is the main reason socialism doesn’t work. Soon the people won’t produce, once they understand that the fruit of their labor will be forcefully taken away from them.

I think if anyone skilled in a given area, were told the truth. That those skills they worked hard to develop they could not be allowed to profit from it themselves.

That’s what will happen in a socialist system, and those that are selling it know that. They fear that if the people understood this, then possibly they wouldn’t have anything to do with it!

Thanks for reading,

Joseph Sanchez

Red Pill Insights

Mind Control

How America is the Prize’

How America is the Prize’

This conspiracy says the Left has been trying to take over America for a long time. That Americans have been asleep while this was happening.

This conspiracy says that we Americans are not aware that we are not compatible with a communist system.

The Dangers of Central Planning

In this conspiracy we take a look at whether the people of America are not aware of the dangers of Central Planning.

Central Planning is Top Down leadership.

This is how all Communist Systems are designed.

Are our Journalist Actually Working for them?

We will also look at how our Journalistic Media may be in the hands of the communist already.

A story is in order here: When I was a young man serving in one branch of our U.S. Military. At that time we had soldiers who were getting high on heroin.

It disturbed me to see this happening. I realized that the performance of our fellow soldiers was being impacted by the use of this powerful drug.

Where did this come from?

Because I was concerned I began to think about this. Knowing that the base I was on was critical to the defense of our nation.

I was also aware that the base had guards at all of the entry points to the base.

I was thinking how in the hell were people able to get the drugs onto the base that was guarded.

After giving it some good consideration I thought who would benefit from this happening. And the conclusion I came to was that it must be another country who had an interest in reducing our nation’s readiness.

Are those associated with the Left doing this?

When Americans are asleep to those entities that want to destroy them, well then we are all at risk.

If those that don’t have our best interest in mind have already taken over our media, well then this would make sense.

In any communist authoritarian nation you see those in power control what the people are allowed to see.

Is the News Media Telling the Truth?

Isn’t this what we are seeing today? Do you really think you are getting the real news? Or are we getting what narratives the media wants us to see.

What you need to see is who is telling you that they know how you should live. Those that want to change the rights that were granted and established long ago.

I would bet that they are the evil ones. I often think who or what gives them the right to tell us how to live. We are in a battle weather you want to believe it or not, the left is using the media like the heroin drug to weaken all of us.

Waking up and Using Your Instincts

We need to go with our instincts and fight against this evil. The Communists have been at this for a long time while we were all sleeping.

Those that promote this system say that communist China did the right thing. When you hear those words. The hair on your back should stand up.

This is the programming they want you to buy into. Just know that China is controlled by the Communist Party. This was brought to them by Mao Zedong.

You can see pictures of this man all over China. He is the leader that brought the current communist system to China. In this type of system the communist leaders at the top make all of the decisions

As long as you follow their edicts to the tee. They will let you exist. But the moment you disagree with them, well then you either go to retraining. Or you are put to death.

Unfortunately we have had leaders in our country who have sold out, and are influenced by that evil system.

This conspiracy says that Americans can’t see that we are not compatible with a communist system. We like what small amount of freedoms we still have left.

In another conspiracy article on this blog I wrote that everything comes from the land.

You should know that when you see them control everything that you can do with your land, you should know that you’re in danger.

This conspiracy says that in communist systems they will tell you what you can eat, what work you can do, where you can live.

You’ll be standing in line to get your food. We in America haven’t experienced this, at least not since the Great Depression. Because we have enjoyed such abundance that only freedom can bring, period full stop.

Wake up America!

Mind Control

The Building Blocks of Language

The Building Blocks of Language

Continued from, Why are Words so Important’

“In ancient times men would no doubt understand the roaring and rumbling of a thunder storm as the battling of the gods in the heavens”

The Metaphor What is it Made of?

In Dr. Jaynes book he does a good job of breaking down the metaphor to its constituent parts.

In the most basic sense, what we do in language using metaphors’ is to shed light on something that is not readily understood. We do this by using something more familiar.

This is the main purpose of creating a metaphor. Dr. Jaynes broke the metaphor down into these parts, the Meta-phrand, Meta-phier, para-prand, and the para-phier.

The Meta-phrand explained

The Meta-phrand which is operated on by something he called the Metaphier, similar to in mathematics where we operate on a Multiplicand by a multiplier.

An example would be, the process he says is intensely practical.

“To designate an arm of the sea as a better place to find shell fish, or to put the head on a nail that it might hold a board to a stanchion.”

To understand something is to arrive at a metaphor for that thing to be described.

In practice we might say I see, or I get it now’

Over-looked by so many of us just how complex all of this really is. Consider the metaphor “ the snow blankets the ground.”

The meta-phrand is something about the completeness, and even the thickness with which the ground is covered by the snow.

The meta-phier is the covering on a bed, something that we all know! The nuances of the metaphor are the paraphiers of the metaphier, the blanket.

Then there are paraphrands of the meta-phrands, and all of this is packed into the simple use of the word blanket, pertaining to the way it covers the ground. The paraphiers here act on the para-phrands.

Hopefully you can now see just how complex all of this is, and how language grows? And we’re not even done!

It’s the paraphrands of the metaphrands that create what could not not have been possible be there.

The Analog and the Map Maker

This very important feature of language we will examine the example that Jaynes gives of a Map Maker.

For the map-maker, the metaphrand is the blank piece of paper on which he operates with the metaphier of the land which he has surveyed.

For the map user it’s the other way around. It’s the land that is unknown; and, it’s the land that is the metaphrand. Where as the map is what he’s using to understand the layout of the land.

So as we can see the analog is a representation of something, but not the actual thing.

The Analog in Modern Times

An important aspect of the analog is how it is generated through language. Analogs are used everywhere these days.

In the world of finance, if you think about it, there are what are called derivatives, aren’t they just analogs of some other things?

People gamble in these derivatives every day. Weather a derivative of something will increase or decrease in value. These derivatives are called futures’ and there’s a huge market for these.

But I digress, moving on now. By now I can only hope that you’re starting to understand how language is generated.

In summary- the metaphrand (the subject) which gets operated on by the metaphier (something more familiar) and what pops out is a metaphor.

The Analog is representation of something but not the actual thing.

I know I took a circuitous route but believe me you understand by the time we are done.

We’ll be moving faster soon, but covering this stuff was necessary.

To be continued…

Mind Control

Why are Words so Important to this Conspiracy?

Why are Words so Important to this Conspiracy?

Something you may not know is that the early 1940’s a little before World War II, there were Nazi’s operating here in America?

Did you know that a Nazi ambassador by the name of Hans Tompsen. Made contact with influential Americans to accomplish this goal. And that was before the WW II even got started. They were already working to weaken the American’s will to fight.

The Nazi’s wanted to use their propaganda here to convince the U.S. That Hitler was interested in peace. All this and while they were getting ready to attack Czechoslovakia, and Poland some of the first countries to fall.

Why do think they wanted a magazine here?

Why Words do Matter

I’ll tell you why, because our mental structure is such that we can be influenced by words.

Some once said that if you tell a lie long enough people will believe it’s true.

This is why I am making the effort to enlighten you to the evolution of words so you can better understand the power they have over us. They’ve been waging psychological war on us for a long time.

So let’s get on with how language works’

Language is used against us, that’s why they control the press, the believe that people are suckers with no real knowledge.

Words have been used to keep people in a constant state of terror.

Language can be a powerful tool when used for evil purposes. Language can be used to move people to action. I took this brief detour because it’s important that you understand the importance of what you’re reading here.

Don’t know who coined the phrase “Knowledge is power” but that’s what I want to impart to you.

Words, are made of this’

We previously covered a little of how it is believed that words first came about, if you’re not familiar with that then go back and read the previous post.

Now were moving on. Because language is such an inherent part of our daily lives that it must go back into the very start Genius Homo.

Much of what I am writing about here I received by reading Dr. Julian Jaynes’s book. He wrote the ground breaking book, The Origin Of Consciousness In The Breakdown of The Bicameral Mind, in it he says that many contemporary linguist would like us to believe that language is just a part of the human constitution. He says about the theory of language, “ It is not intended to be a definitive statement of what occurred in evolution so much as a rough working hypothesis to approach it.”

The Complexities of Language

Moving on, language is more complicated than what we may be used to thinking on the subject. I say that because in order for language to be understandable there first needs to be some fundamental constraints.

So what are these basic constraints? Mainly, that the basic words need to be understood and accepted by those in the group or community. That in itself denotes a pattern of progression.

One word being used then another and so on. Such is the growth of words. So we know the discovery; however, now we need to cover the highly complex structures that exist within it that we may not even be aware of.

Modifiers as the First Stage

This is the first stage of language, chances are they came about to modify grunts and utterances made by primitive man. In the evolution of primate’s only postural or visual signals such as postures these were intentional no doubt. Soon sounds were made possibly to warn of imminent danger.

These would slowly evolve into a call system of sorts. This is the age of modifiers possibly from 40,000 B.C. to around 25,000 B.C.


Julian Jaynes writes that once a tribe had a repertoire of modifiers and commands, these could be then used to keep the integrity of the old primitive call system.

This happens around the same time period when much more sophisticated tools are found to have been made. There’s no doubt that more steps were involved in this process but I will skip ahead in the interest of conserving time.

The Importance of Names and How they fit Into the history of Language

It may be difficult for us to get our head around that names were in fact an invention of man. If you’ve ever done any research on where your own last name comes you find that the name was based on an occupation that some long ago relative performed.

Once a name is given for ether a person or a thing it’s easier for the mind to categorize and to remember. It’s the way our minds work. Naming something gives your mind an anchor to use when recalling.

So much more to cover to be continued…