Mind Control

Mind Control Conspiracy continued, Language

So Why do we string words together?

So why do we string words together anyway?

What are created out of the words we use daily? Answer: Metaphors and Analogies.

So let me explain what these are, because these are the crux of the problem.  

Let’s continue, as words become much more plentiful it becomes necessary to describe what they mean in conversation to others. For as things became more plentiful, describing them to someone who is not familiar with the thing becomes a challenge.

The Need

Thus the need for the Metaphor, because in its simplest form the metaphor is created to explain or to describe a thing or situation. Now you can see how complicated all of this is getting.

The metaphor is light years greater than the use of simple nouns for things. We are now coming out of the woods and starting to see some light.

Whit that last sentence what did you see? Did you see the woods in your mind you saw trees and a path of sorts and saw a representation of yourself coming out of the woods to a clearing?

Such is the power of the metaphor’

I hope you’re starting to get it. If not don’t worry you can read this article over and over until you do! Don’t worry I am not going to leave you, until I have taken you down the complete Rabbit-hole.

Thank You Dr. Julian Jaynes for your in-creditable work!

The Metaphor

As time progressed and groups grew larger food production became increasingly important. They had previously been Hunter Gathers, but now with the increase in populations it became necessary to feed larger populations and thus the agrarian civilization came about. Most were farmers and as such new tools and methods would come about as well.

We are getting closer please hang in there, as it’s my job to see to it that you get it.

The structure of the metaphor. According to the late Dr. Julian Jaynes 1920- 1997, who wrote the book The Origin of Consciousness In The Break Down Of The Bicameral Mind, Published Houghton Mifflin Company Boston New York.  He says we have to look back to the writings in the ILIAD to get a better understanding of how it came about. He calls it this period The Intellectual Consciousness of Greece.

Looking through the writings of the Iliad what we find are references to hypostasis bodily feelings that seem to be what drove their behaviors. They used terms like thumos, and phrenes, noos, and psyche, all of these he says were references to various physical states. These translated to mind, spirit,or soul, and kradie, ker and etor, often translted as heart or sometimes as mind or spirit.

Hopefully you’re still with me? This is at the beginning of language, these were feelings being described into language. He says that we may call these mind-words that later come to mean some-thing like conscious functioning.

You’ll understand more as we move along’

To be continued…