
Technology is Causing Deflation and Know-one See’s it!

Technology is Causing Deflation and Know-one See’s it!

This conspiracy says that in reality the social problems we are experiencing these days are actually caused by deflation. And that Technology is causing deflation and know-one see’s it!

This is the primary reason that the Federal Reserve needs to keep printing more currency.

A definition is in order; deflation is simply the reduction in overall prices. No one would argue with that definition; but, how many can tell you why that’s the case.

So we need to look at the reasons for deflation.

Technology is the Real Reason for Deflation

A recent example of the changes we are seeing is, demise of Blockbuster and how it was replaced by movie steaming companies, like Netflix.

The improvements in new technologies always cause a reduction in the overall cost of goods and services. As well as a reduction in the amount of needed employees.

One example is Solar energy, it has already reduced the cost of electricity.

Moore’s Law

Gordon Moore the co-founder of Fairchild Semiconductors saw that the amount of transistors in an integrated circuit was increasing annually at an exponential rate.

According to Moore’s Law states that technology grows exponentially. This conspiracy says that we are already entering the exponential technological curve.


We all know what inflation is because we’ve lived with it for so long.

We buy a home for $100,000 and ten years later it’s price is $1,000,000.

So we think that this is good.

The Problem

We are entering a different period now, and it’s deflationary.  This is the real reason that all central banks are printing more currency at such an alarming rate.

An easy area to see deflation in all of the free apps you can download onto your smartphones.

The Age of Ai

The exponential growth of computer controlled businesses is already causing a reduction in jobs.

Because Ai has the ability to perform at a higher level than current humans can, this reduction of jobs is inevitable.

Ai and robotics will take over most every job out there, the conspiracy says. And that there’s a real need for a new way forward. That if we don’t realize what’s happening there will be severe consequences in our world.

The divide between the haves and the have not’s will just intensify. And at some point may cause revolutions in countries.

Most likely when the robotics age takes a hold many of the jobs currently done by humans, then some form of subsistence pay for the people will be necessary.

We are leaving the age of inflation, and entering the age of deflation, and it’s happening now!