Mind Control

Mind Control Conspiracy

Mind Control Conspiracy

What is Mind Control and how does it work?

A CIA conspiracy did they really coin the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’ after the John F. Kennedy assassination? And are words used to confuse us?

This article is to shine the light on words and how they can work to close off discussions.

In preparation for this series it would be a good idea to first look up the word ETYMOLOGY’ you can find it in your Webster’s dictionary.

Someone once said ” words are the currency of our modern world.”

By the time we finish with this series because understand what language is, you’ll be better at detecting mind control when it’s being used in you’

Words and your Mind

So to start let’s take a look at language. What is it and how did it come about. And how it might have evolved over time.

In earliest of time primitive times, primates evolved simple sounds possibly to warn against danger. If a lion was approaching they may have made the a sound like ‘Wahee’ and if the lion was close they may have said Whoo’ these sounds would have been the precursors to simple words.

At this time these primate groups would have been maybe as many as 80 humans living in close proximity and so they would have understood these basic sounds and their meanings.

Other groups of humans would no doubt have their own words for danger and the like. Tis is no doubt why we have so many different languages today.

What are Words?

Today we rarely consider how all of these words came about and even less think about the power they have over us. So let’s get on with it’

Yes you may say well words are just how we communicate’ but that’s just too simple of an explanation.

Why Words Grow Over Time

Words come in many forms, we have nouns, adjectives’, verbs, conjunctions, etcetera, you get the idea. These I am sure you all learned in school. But that’s not what this dissertation is about. These kinds of things you already know.

The Time Period of Names

Some history is in order. Giving a name to some person or thing makes it more familiar to us. The name we give something stands in the place of that thing.  It is suggested that names first occurred around 10,000 B.C. to 8000 B.C. the Mesolithic era, and it’s hard for us sometimes to imagine names to be a human invention. But just like we invented tools to make our lives easier we also invented names for things.

Then as these populations grew in size obviously the need for more nouns to name things.

And as groups of humans became larger and more names were required such is the evolution of words necessary. I am sure that you can see that connection. And once you have a name for something or someone they can be mentioned in their absences.

Why do we string words together anyway?

What are created when we string word together? Answer: Metaphors and Analogies.

So let me explain what these are, because these are the crux of the problem.  To be continued…Â