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The Social Media Conspiracy

The Social Media Conspiracy

Two industries that call their customers Users, are Social media and Drug pushers

Did you know that some believe that social media like platforms are causing people to be depressed? That’s what we’ll look into in this conspiracy.

Recent studies reveal that the more time spent on social media the more depressed a person may feel.

So why is this?

The supporters of this conspiracy say that it’s because of the way that social media company’s algorithms work.

They say Facebook learned long ago that they could trigger peoples emotions without the individuals knowing that they were being manipulated.

Rollo May and the Psychology of Loneliness

The psychologist Rollo May wrote Self-strength develops out of the individual’s successful confrontation of anxiety-creating experiences, this is the way one becomes educated to maturity of self.

He would be a good read for anyone having issues with self-worth.


The conspiracy says that the discipline of psychology has learned a lot about human emotions.

This conspiracy says that Facebook has learned how to take advantage of this and get people to spend a lot of their day posting on its platform.

So what’s the Advantage to Facebook?

When you think about this, it makes smart business sense on the part of Facebook. The users’ post all of the content.

So its easy for Facebook because it doesn’t have to provide content its the users who do that for them.

So you they have a business model that’s self-providing, and grows exponentially as more users join the platform.

The Herd Principal

You know there’s a force that’s being used, and its called the herd principal. What this is, is that people feel like they fit in when they are doing what everyone else is doing.

This principal works because they say that man is a social animal.

That’s because in earlier times we needed to be part of the group in order to survive in a harsh world.

And they say that this drive is still evident in humans today, and is why Facebook has so many users and is so successful.

The Likes and the Follow System

Who among us doesn’t want to be liked? We all do!

That the Like’s system and the thumbs up plays to our wanting to be like and admired by others, its the approval of the tribe, at work here there.

These are some very powerful psychological tools that are being used on the users of social media platforms.

On another note, they say that the algorithm collects data on the user’s is interest in order to serve them up more of the same stuff.

So to sum this one up what this says is that some of the same forces that drive people to use drugs may be evident in why people get addicted to social media.

Other Issues with using Social Media

Some people say that they’ve been fired from the job for what they posted on social media. Check out their stories here!

And then there’s the issue of fake accounts. Some terrible individuals will create a fake account and use it to harass people on line, this is called cyber-bulling. These types don’t seem to have any consciousness, as to that harm they are causing.

Then of course there’s internet addition, this is when individuals spend so much time on the internet that it impacts their relationships and normal life in general.

Then there’s Sexting, this is when individuals get addicted to pursuing sexual relationships through the internet. In these cases it can be dangerous because who they think they are communication with, may not be honest and may actually be seeking some ulterior motive.

Checkmate on Humanity The Social Dilemma