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Money What is it Really?

Money What is it Really?

Money is not evil, without it our life span would still be 30 years. It’s the best way to store the efforts of our labor. The problem is that our money has been corrupted.

In this conspiracy we will take a look at the corruption of the monetary system.

The Central banks will say that in order for money to retain its value, the supply of money must be restricted.

But what they are actually doing, is they are printing the currency into oblivion?

So you see they are lying to the people! On the one hand they say it must be restricted in order to maintain its value, all the while they are making more of it, which reduces its value.

Henry Ford

So what’s going on here? Let me explain that to you. Henry Ford the original maker of the Ford automobile is quoted as saying, “If the people knew how the money system worked, there would no doubt be a revolution by morning.”

Money printing causes inflation, and inflation robs the value out of the existing money supply. Inflation only helps the bankers and governments. Governments get to spend, and the bankers get to loan it out with interest. The uncontrolled spending robs the people of the value of their money, or to say it differently it robs them of their purchasing power.

This is what governments don’t want you to know. So they make the monetary system complicated so that we don’t catch on to what they are actually doing with the money supply.

The Problem with our Money

Originally paper dollars were just a claim check on gold and silver. Those coins are what had value. But those restricted the bankers since they could only lend out based on how many of those they actually had in the vaults.

The problem is that the bankers and governments have adopted currency.

So what are currencies?

Currency is a fake imposter, of money. Originally it was just a receipt for the gold or silver that you possessed. In other words when you would deposit your gold or silver with the banker, they would give you a receipt for the money.

Over time since the receipts were easier to carry, people would just exchange those when transacting business. And if the person wanted the gold or silver they would just take the receipts to the bankers and exchange them for the gold or silver.

Now the gold and the silver is what had the value, and not the receipts. But this restrained the bankers and governments that wanted to spend more.

Gold and Silver have weight

What follows is what they actually did. The bankers became aware that the people didn’t always come back to get the gold and silver, and they instead were just trading the paper receipts. This gave the bankers an idea’ they thought that if they just printed and gave out more receipts that no one would be the wiser.

And low and behold it worked. The bankers were now getting rich by printing out these receipts and even loaning them out at interest. So they got rich off of the interest they were charging the people, based on these printed receipts which were supposed to be backed by the original gold and silver in the vaults. But now were backed by nothing, since they were just printing them up.

I think you can extrapolate from here so I’ll leave it here. This should be enough to enlighten you as to what’s going on with your money. And maybe you’ll get interested enough to look into this further.

For further understanding watch Mike Maloney’s <The Hidden Secrets of Money Series>