How Our World was Almost Destroyed

Follow the link to see just how close we came to ruining our Lives.

This video give a unique insight into what came happen when good people fail to act.

We live in a complex world today that is being dominated by forces that we are not even aware of.

How it Happened

This almost happened because most of us just want to go about our lives taking care of our families and ourselves oblivious to the dark forces that surround us daily.

Well the time has come for all of us to become aware of these dark forces in order to protect ourselves and our children.

Someone once said that ” All that has to happen for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.”


Tyranny can overcome, since it can be so insidious, it’s sneaks in a little at a time until you can’t recognize that it has become in-bedded in every aspect of society.

If you believe in freedom of choice then its important that you know how to see tyranny before it gets a chance to take control of everything.

So I hope you’ll watch the video and become informed. Click on the link below to watch: