Mind Control

How America is the Prize’

How America is the Prize’

This conspiracy says the Left has been trying to take over America for a long time. That Americans have been asleep while this was happening.

This conspiracy says that we Americans are not aware that we are not compatible with a communist system.

The Dangers of Central Planning

In this conspiracy we take a look at whether the people of America are not aware of the dangers of Central Planning.

Central Planning is Top Down leadership.

This is how all Communist Systems are designed.

Are our Journalist Actually Working for them?

We will also look at how our Journalistic Media may be in the hands of the communist already.

A story is in order here: When I was a young man serving in one branch of our U.S. Military. At that time we had soldiers who were getting high on heroin.

It disturbed me to see this happening. I realized that the performance of our fellow soldiers was being impacted by the use of this powerful drug.

Where did this come from?

Because I was concerned I began to think about this. Knowing that the base I was on was critical to the defense of our nation.

I was also aware that the base had guards at all of the entry points to the base.

I was thinking how in the hell were people able to get the drugs onto the base that was guarded.

After giving it some good consideration I thought who would benefit from this happening. And the conclusion I came to was that it must be another country who had an interest in reducing our nation’s readiness.

Are those associated with the Left doing this?

When Americans are asleep to those entities that want to destroy them, well then we are all at risk.

If those that don’t have our best interest in mind have already taken over our media, well then this would make sense.

In any communist authoritarian nation you see those in power control what the people are allowed to see.

Is the News Media Telling the Truth?

Isn’t this what we are seeing today? Do you really think you are getting the real news? Or are we getting what narratives the media wants us to see.

What you need to see is who is telling you that they know how you should live. Those that want to change the rights that were granted and established long ago.

I would bet that they are the evil ones. I often think who or what gives them the right to tell us how to live. We are in a battle weather you want to believe it or not, the left is using the media like the heroin drug to weaken all of us.

Waking up and Using Your Instincts

We need to go with our instincts and fight against this evil. The Communists have been at this for a long time while we were all sleeping.

Those that promote this system say that communist China did the right thing. When you hear those words. The hair on your back should stand up.

This is the programming they want you to buy into. Just know that China is controlled by the Communist Party. This was brought to them by Mao Zedong.

You can see pictures of this man all over China. He is the leader that brought the current communist system to China. In this type of system the communist leaders at the top make all of the decisions

As long as you follow their edicts to the tee. They will let you exist. But the moment you disagree with them, well then you either go to retraining. Or you are put to death.

Unfortunately we have had leaders in our country who have sold out, and are influenced by that evil system.

This conspiracy says that Americans can’t see that we are not compatible with a communist system. We like what small amount of freedoms we still have left.

In another conspiracy article on this blog I wrote that everything comes from the land.

You should know that when you see them control everything that you can do with your land, you should know that you’re in danger.

This conspiracy says that in communist systems they will tell you what you can eat, what work you can do, where you can live.

You’ll be standing in line to get your food. We in America haven’t experienced this, at least not since the Great Depression. Because we have enjoyed such abundance that only freedom can bring, period full stop.

Wake up America!