
Who’s Trying to Kill Free Speech in the U.S.?

Who are these people that are trying to Kill Free Speech in the U.S.?

This conspiracy theory says that what’s been happening in our country is actually a slow march to communism.

They say that the proponents of this have been working at it for more than 30 years.

So how has this been done?

Let’s look at this from their point of view. Although they accomplished many of their goals one needs to realize that they don’t do one thing and then another, no they do go after several of the nation’s institutions at the same time.

They say that the first thing they needed to do was take over the education system.

The way this is to be accomplished is by giving tenure to only those professors who agree with and will promote the communist agenda.

Second, they needed to get involved in the political system. How this was done was by funding the campaigns of individuals running for office who either have socialist tendencies or don’t care one way or the other they just want a life of little effort.

Of those types, there are many, and thus easy to use for the communist agenda. If you give these types of people money and comfort you get them on board.

At the same time over these 30 years they needed to take over Journalism. This was done by purchasing the News media companies by prominent communist individuals.

Once they owned them they would install journalist who would not object to putting out the communist message. Mainly because these teleprompter readers weren’t the most intellectually endowed individuals.

So what’s this message?

The message that’s promoted is that you need to care about everything and everyone, except yourself.

You need to give up your rights for the larger vision, this is how they weaken you.

And they have all kinds of metaphors for you if you don’t agree with them. They like to call you a racist, a homophobe, or a right-wing nut, just to name a few of the kind words they have for you.

And since we all want to fit-in, we go along with the program and don’t argue with them.

Frogs in a Pot

There’s an example that if you place a frog in a pot of water it will be comfortable a remain there. Then if you turn up the heat slowly the frog will not know that it’s being cooked until it’s too late.

This is what this conspiracy says is happening to the American people.

Are we Programmed?

That they’ve been exposed to these communist teachings through the education systems the media, the politicians, until each individual is programed.

This becomes the new cognitive imperative, and they will defend these positions even to loss of their own lives.

The conspiracy says that when a belief gets so ingrained into a persons psyche they believe these thoughts are their own.

And they don’t see these views as having been implanted into them.

They say this is the danger we are all in.

These are the techniques of a program that’s being used to subdue a nation.

And not one in a million sees it

Because they say that you should give up your individual needs, and except what the communist system tells you is good for society as a whole.

This is an interesting conspiracy because we can kind of see this all around us today.

It may not be too late if we wake up to the conspiracy. Or is it too late and are we already doomed? This conspiracy says that what we are seeing today is a percentage of the people that are ready for this enslavement.

These Teachings Sound so Good, on their surface if one doesn’t look into these them more deeply.

One might say, who are these people that want to tell me how to live my one and only life here?

And if you are that normal person just wanting to go about your life then you’re the problem because you want your freedoms.

And that’s heresy, to what they are teaching you.

Think of massive retraining on the scale of a whole population.

This is exactly how a population is dominated. They do it by taking over the institutions first.

Soon we may all be the frogs in the pot according to this conspiracy.