History Money

Capitalism Verses Marxism

Marxism is a Philosophy

The main differences will be explained here.

One of these systems comes about organically, while the other is contrived.

The Tenets of Marxism

Lets start with Marxism, Marxism it is a philosophy. It came from the mind work of Carl Marx.

He wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848.

Marxism is a political, economic and social system.

The Tenets of this philosophy are mainly that society is divided by social classes.

That there are two main classes, which he calls the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat.

The bourgeoisie being the business people, and the proletariat being all of the working class people.

The main tenet of Marxism, is that the business owners take advantage of the working class people.

While Marxism may seem innocent enough, it is actually controlled by those at the top.


Capitalism with all of its faults actually comes about organically. That’s because it comes about by individuals exchanging of values.

With capitalism you share your abilities with others for a price. Originally it would have been trading item for item.

An example of a problem with this monetary system arrives when one wants to trade something that is more valuable for something of lessor value. This is where money came into existance. Using money instead of direct trading is much more desirable.

Since money earned can be broken into smaller increments, which makes trading much easier to do.

The Winners and the Losers

The issues come about when those who understand the system can take advantage of the system and subsequently earn more since they understand how the system works. Its really that simple those who understand the system can take advantage of that knowledge and get rich.

Many people not understanding what is happening they may become agitated with those who do and do enjoy the benefits of that understanding.

Slick politicians have always attempted to use this lack of understanding by the average person to cause a division between these classes of people, because it’s easy to do.

There you have it in a nutshell.


Cryptos Money

Is Bitcoin just another Fad?

Is Bitcoin a Trend or a Fad?

Is Bitcoin just another Fad?

In this conspiracy theory we will take a look at weather bitcoin is just another Fad.

Throughout modern history there have been many different fads.

The history of fads is an astonishing view into the human condition.

Fads in the last ten years.

From the Cabbage Doll to Pokemon Go, the history of fads runs deep.

Cabbage Patch Dolls

A man by the name of Xavier Roberts created the doll. In 1982 he signed a deal with Coleco to produce them. Then in 1989 Hasbro bought the rights to the doll. Later in 1989 Mattel’s had the rights and they sold the dolls through Toys R Us the giant retail toy chain.

The dolls had wool or yarn for hair. They had a chubby face, cloth bodies with a vinyl face and were around 16 inches in height.

The original dolls sold for $30 dollars, but during the craze they were selling into the multiple hundreds of dollars. It seemed that everyone needed to have at least one of these dolls.

Fads Come and Go’

I myself can remember this fad since we had small children at the time and my wife picked up one for our daughter.

My wife says she still has it put away somewhere.

Yo-Yo’s were another fad that I can remember around that same time period. Every child wanted the best yo-yo available to impress their friends.

You know that circular wooden device with a string that coiled up In the center as you repeatedly flung it out and brought it back in. You don’t see many children playing with these today.


These are rectangular blocks that you can use to make all kinds of different things with. From houses to cranes for lifting toys with. If you have an original set of these they are worth into the hundreds of dollars.

These are just a few of fads that are no longer really that relevant. These fads revolved around toys.

Is Bitcoin Money or a Fad?

Now I would like to compare the Bitcoin to another Fad back in our history.

That was the Tulip Mania.

In case you are not aware of this one, it took place in the country of Holland. What transpired there is an example of a fad that got out of control.


The Tulip Mania

This took place in the country of Holland. Tulips are a relatively rare flower. The tulip bulbs are one of the most popular of the garden flowers. And thus are coveted by botanical gardeners. It is especially appreciated because of the beautiful colors that they come in.

The Craze happened between the years 1633-1637, these tulip bulbs became the thing to have and even to give as gifts during special occasions. Do to their popularity they began to become scarce.

As a result the prices on them began to rise dramatically. Soon people in the middle class took notice.

Now with the rising prices the ordinary people in the middle-class and even the poor wanted to speculate on this Tulip Market.

Some varieties of the bulbs sold for hundreds of dollars each. It doesn’t take much to imagine the temptation for these people at that time.

The Get Rich Quick Mentality

It seems that man has always been plagued with this weakness. The lure of gaining wealth without the struggle. This is the business model of the Gambling Industry out there.

Who among us doesn’t want to make a killing on a small investment? Well the people back then were know different.

The Bitcoin Mania

Do we not see the same forces at work currently with Bitcoin? As the price of bitcoin rises, more and more people will want to get involved. Many of these people will no doubt take chances, and even use borrowed money to get some bitcoin.

This is how these manias are created. There’s a term used often these days with people involved with the digital currencies and it’s called FOMO or Fear of Missing Out’.


FOMO works on the same principles as when those people in Holland were attempting to make a fortune during the Tulip Mania. As people hear of the stories of those who have profited for the Fad. These individuals become more motivated to get aboard as they fear that they will miss the train, so to speak.

The problem with this is that most of these late comers to the party will not have done any home-work or even understand what they are getting involved with.

They won’t know anything about the block-chain, and how it works. Or the Distributive ledger, and what that’s all about. Most likely like with the Tulip Mania, they will just put their hard earned money on this digital coin.

It may or may not pay out for them no one can say for sure. But in these days of so many scams I think the prudent thing to do is to research first, to know what you’re putting your money on.


Money Uncategorized

Money What is it Really?

Money What is it Really?

Money is not evil, without it our life span would still be 30 years. It’s the best way to store the efforts of our labor. The problem is that our money has been corrupted.

In this conspiracy we will take a look at the corruption of the monetary system.

The Central banks will say that in order for money to retain its value, the supply of money must be restricted.

But what they are actually doing, is they are printing the currency into oblivion?

So you see they are lying to the people! On the one hand they say it must be restricted in order to maintain its value, all the while they are making more of it, which reduces its value.

Henry Ford

So what’s going on here? Let me explain that to you. Henry Ford the original maker of the Ford automobile is quoted as saying, “If the people knew how the money system worked, there would no doubt be a revolution by morning.”

Money printing causes inflation, and inflation robs the value out of the existing money supply. Inflation only helps the bankers and governments. Governments get to spend, and the bankers get to loan it out with interest. The uncontrolled spending robs the people of the value of their money, or to say it differently it robs them of their purchasing power.

This is what governments don’t want you to know. So they make the monetary system complicated so that we don’t catch on to what they are actually doing with the money supply.

The Problem with our Money

Originally paper dollars were just a claim check on gold and silver. Those coins are what had value. But those restricted the bankers since they could only lend out based on how many of those they actually had in the vaults.

The problem is that the bankers and governments have adopted currency.

So what are currencies?

Currency is a fake imposter, of money. Originally it was just a receipt for the gold or silver that you possessed. In other words when you would deposit your gold or silver with the banker, they would give you a receipt for the money.

Over time since the receipts were easier to carry, people would just exchange those when transacting business. And if the person wanted the gold or silver they would just take the receipts to the bankers and exchange them for the gold or silver.

Now the gold and the silver is what had the value, and not the receipts. But this restrained the bankers and governments that wanted to spend more.

Gold and Silver have weight

What follows is what they actually did. The bankers became aware that the people didn’t always come back to get the gold and silver, and they instead were just trading the paper receipts. This gave the bankers an idea’ they thought that if they just printed and gave out more receipts that no one would be the wiser.

And low and behold it worked. The bankers were now getting rich by printing out these receipts and even loaning them out at interest. So they got rich off of the interest they were charging the people, based on these printed receipts which were supposed to be backed by the original gold and silver in the vaults. But now were backed by nothing, since they were just printing them up.

I think you can extrapolate from here so I’ll leave it here. This should be enough to enlighten you as to what’s going on with your money. And maybe you’ll get interested enough to look into this further.

For further understanding watch Mike Maloney’s <The Hidden Secrets of Money Series>


Front Running and the American Financial System

Front Running and the American Financial System

Can Front Running be a danger to our financial system in general? This is what we will take a look at in this conspiracy theory

One CEO thinks it can be, read his story here, and you be the judge. Here we will explain just what Front Running is and how it works to undermine the value of a company’s stock. The CEO involved is Patrick Byrne the founder of Overstock.

How Front-Running Works

Here’s a straightforward example of front-running: Say a broker gets an order from a major client to buy 500,000 shares of XYZ Co. Such a huge purchase is bound to drive up the price of the stock immediately, at least in the short-term. The broker sets aside the request for a minute and first buys some XYZ stock for his or her own personal portfolio. Then the client’s order is put through. The broker immediately sells the XYZ shares and pockets a profit.


Front Running is Illegal

Front-running is illegal and unethical when a trader acts on inside information.

A straightforward example of front-running occurs when a broker exploits market-moving knowledge that has not yet been made public.

There are gray areas. An investor may buy or sell a stock and then publicize the reasoning behind it. Transparency and honesty are key.

There is some grey area here. For example, a professional short-seller may accumulate a short position and then publicize the reasons for shorting the stock. This seems perilously close to a short-seller’s version of a pump-and-dump scheme, in which a speculator hypes (or bashes) an investment for personal gain.

The Grey Area

There is a distinction, however. If the short-seller in this example reveals his personal financial stake at the time of the recommendation. And, the information conveyed by the short-seller reflects a genuine fact-based view of the outlook of the stock shorted rather than a falsehood intended to mislead.

Front Running and the Short Sellers

Here is the crux of the problem. According to this conspiracy theory, short sellers have been using the  media to besmirch the reputation of companies in order to cause the company’s stock value to fall, thereby they make a profit from their short position in that stock. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 was formalized in an attempt to mitigate front running

The CEO of claims that a front running scheme was orchestrated against his company’s stock. He says that the reason he needed to leave the company he founded was because of some Deep State Operatives’ that they would hurt the company’s stock value and in so doing hurt the investors.

CEO Patrick Byrne says that because he shared information in the early days of the Russia Investigation involving Hillary Clinton, and that people in the Deep State were not happy with him.

He says that he did not want this to become an issue that would hurt the company that he founded.

Deep-capture and Phantom Stocks?

Patrick has written a blog explaining how this works in laymen’s terms. An economist has written a detailed history of “failures to deliver” (i.e. stock sold and not delivered, because it is phantom stock) for Regulation magazine, published by the Cato Institute. A former SEC Chairman has spoken extensively against the problem.

Many other researchers, several professors, a former SEC economist, and a former deputy secretary of commerce have also written papers on the subject. If you are interested in the mechanics of the crime, read some of those papers here, here, here, here, here, and here.

The Bunny and his fellow town criers have what is surely the world’s largest database of Wall Street malfeasance. Patrick examines their data with an open mind. He lends some structure to their efforts.

He funds an expanded investigation. And gradually, he comes to see, clear as day – there is a crime. It is a financial heist of monstrous proportions, and Patrick believes it threatens the stability of the American financial system. He decides to fight the criminals.

To see the story see the full story click < here>

Deep Capture

These articles are written to spark your interest so that you can research further and you’ll be the judge of these conspiracy theories.


Why The Little Guy always loses

“Price is the greatest tool of misdirection”

In this conspiracy theory we take a look at whether it’s the price of investments that tricks the little guys.

The Little Man Rule

What this rule is about, is that the little man never wins because he moves after a trend has already been established.

What this means is that, those in the know always get the advantage because they know what’s going to happen before others do.

How many times have you heard about an investment only after the investment has taken off and increased in value.

Why do you think that is that you hear about it after the insiders have already taken their position in it?

You can get a piece of the upward ride, but the insiders will catch the biggest move.

Price Manipulation

Another way the big guys take advantage of the Little Guys is most people won’t take a position when the price goes down. Instead they wait until they see the price rise before they jump in.

It’s kind of like if you’ve ever noticed how a dog will run after a bicycle rider going by. It’s the same with little guy investors. They will chase an investment when they see it going up, rather than buying it when it’s low before it makes its move.

What this conspiracy says is that the big guys know how to drive the prices lower so that they can take a position at a cheaper price. They will use terms like Accredited Investor to suck you in. Fancy term that just means that you have money, and that works on your ego’

So what do the Little Guy Investors do is they stay clear because as they see the price dropping. So they get scared and don’t invest and all the while the big boys are stealing.

How the Stealing Works

This works because the weak hands sell afraid that they are losing money.

This is the miss-direction, and the Little Guy doesn’t see it. They may use terms like Accredited Investor

Which just means that you have more than the average person to invest in their Ponzi scheme.

So this is how the big money gets the investment away from the Little Guys.

“ Price is the biggest tool of the miss-direction, so be aware of this.”

Investors should look at what the Big Guys are doing and not what they are saying.

Venture capitalist “Do what the big money is doing not what they are saying.”

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Joe Sanchez ��