
Have we Lost Our Survival Instincts?

Have We Lost Our Survival Instincts?

I commented this:

Today is Fourth of July here in the States, and I am at a party and hearing people sing you know all of those patriotic songs. And it occurred to me that few of these people ever served our country. These songs speak of courage and strength, and then I think of how fast they all capitulated, and acquiesced to Mandates the masks, the shots, and all so as to be a part of the tribe.

No one stopped to considered that they might be in danger, as they lined up to take an experimental concoction of which they were never even given the ingredients as to what was in them, or what the side effects might be.

And the doctors that is whole other issue. Because very few doctors even bothered to research what was in these shots, and what the possible future side-effects might be to the health of their patients. These were supposed to be educated doctors who took the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. And how can they be certain that they are in keeping with their oaths if they didn’t do the research before administering these things.

The Story of the Pig Pen

Let me explain how animals in the wild have better survival instincts than what modern humans have been displaying in recent days. There is a video of someone who has created a Pen out in the wild to catch these wild pigs. So they built this pen out of metal Fencing and installed an electric gate.

In the Pen they puts some food and the watched by camera how the pigs interacted with the pen. The pigs would at first come up to the structure with depredation being cautious not to enter, but soon what look to be the younger of the pigs would enter the structure to get the food.

At the same time there what look to be older pigs which you could tell by their size, much larger and fatter. Now the Older larger pigs would get close to the enclosure and smell it and then back away each time staying outside of the pen. After a while the Trappers would hit a button that worked electronically to close the pen with a loud slamming for the gate the pen was closed and the pigs that had entered were trapped inside.

When this was done the pigs inside became very nervous and began to thrash about inside the pen. And the older fatter pigs that remained outside the pen took off running away.

Can Modern Societies Survive?

How can this society survive when the people have no real character and more why should it survive? Human beings that have lost their most important survival instincts. Were having survival skills what served humanity to get this far in the first place. I really don’t know how much longer we can last if we do not get our survival skills back.

Some elites have been heard to call the average person useless eaters, and just to be clear that is not my belief. I think I now understand how all of this came about.

In the West we have enjoyed an unpresented period of growth and prosperity, with that has come a sense of entitlement. Looking at this I can see how we became to trust all of our Institutions, our Education, News Media, Political Parties, Institutions of Justice and so on…

Today very few of us ever stop to consider that danger may lye in trusting these Institutional Systems to much, that in fact they may have their own agendas. We don’t even stop to think that these Institutions may just being telling us the public what ever serves their own purposes.

It is my contention is that this trap was set long ago, as society gave up much of their critical thinking, excepting modern life to be safe and effective as we are told. We just let our guard down, and outright refused to consider that all may not be that simple. Survival instincts are important to have if human kind is to survive long into the future, and we should never forget that!