Future Technologies Uncategorized

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

This conspiracy will cover the Internet of Things, and what it is and how it will work.

The Internet of Things is any network that has embedded within it sensors and software to enable a function or communicate a message.

Sensors are at the heart of the IOT. Let’s say that you have a patient at home who is attached to a monitor.

The sensors are monitoring the patient’s vitals on a continuous basis.

As long as the data coming from the sensors are within the normal parameters there’s no need for alarm.

But if something changes in the patients conditions the sensors will send a signal to the patients doctor and even notifying the hospital.

Where the Internet Comes In

Each smart device has to have its own i.d. and a unique address.

So how does all of this data get to the doctor and the hospital? The answer is the Internet. Thus the title The Internet of Things.

By now everyone knows what the internet is, but what are the things?

These things are the devices that are performing a specific purpose.

In the above example we described a medical use.

In reality there are are millions of things to be connected.

Smart Devices

By now you’ve no doubt heard of Smart TV’s a smart feature in these can turn them off when you are no longer in the room. This saves energy usage. That’s just a small example.

Big Data

You’ve also no doubt heard about 5 G for Smart phones. This is a method for moving large amounts of data rapidly. This allows for video streaming and faster downloads.

The IoT Ecosystem

There are various layers of elements to accomplish the task at hand.

The sensors gather the data, the processors need to send this to the Application layer.

Next the processing layer processes the data. Next the data gets passed on to the cloud to be transported to the security layer to ensure the data is pure.

If the data is good it then moves on to the next layer. This might be the receiving layer where the information gets read and or displayed.

As you can see that as these Smart Systems role out, the loading of data on the Internet becomes huge. For these reasons computing large amounts of data will be necessary.

There are thousands of different sensors today. Environmental sensors, medical sensors, infrared sensors, all of this becomes a huge amounts of data.

When the sensors send out their data this data will go through a gateway.

The gateways hold the data until its able to go to the cloud and get communicated to the end user. This is the commutation level.

In Summary

The primary elements of a smart system are:

Perception, Processing, Communication, Middleware, Applications

Hope this gave you a basic understanding of the some of the issues involved with Smart Systems.

Money Uncategorized

Money What is it Really?

Money What is it Really?

Money is not evil, without it our life span would still be 30 years. It’s the best way to store the efforts of our labor. The problem is that our money has been corrupted.

In this conspiracy we will take a look at the corruption of the monetary system.

The Central banks will say that in order for money to retain its value, the supply of money must be restricted.

But what they are actually doing, is they are printing the currency into oblivion?

So you see they are lying to the people! On the one hand they say it must be restricted in order to maintain its value, all the while they are making more of it, which reduces its value.

Henry Ford

So what’s going on here? Let me explain that to you. Henry Ford the original maker of the Ford automobile is quoted as saying, “If the people knew how the money system worked, there would no doubt be a revolution by morning.”

Money printing causes inflation, and inflation robs the value out of the existing money supply. Inflation only helps the bankers and governments. Governments get to spend, and the bankers get to loan it out with interest. The uncontrolled spending robs the people of the value of their money, or to say it differently it robs them of their purchasing power.

This is what governments don’t want you to know. So they make the monetary system complicated so that we don’t catch on to what they are actually doing with the money supply.

The Problem with our Money

Originally paper dollars were just a claim check on gold and silver. Those coins are what had value. But those restricted the bankers since they could only lend out based on how many of those they actually had in the vaults.

The problem is that the bankers and governments have adopted currency.

So what are currencies?

Currency is a fake imposter, of money. Originally it was just a receipt for the gold or silver that you possessed. In other words when you would deposit your gold or silver with the banker, they would give you a receipt for the money.

Over time since the receipts were easier to carry, people would just exchange those when transacting business. And if the person wanted the gold or silver they would just take the receipts to the bankers and exchange them for the gold or silver.

Now the gold and the silver is what had the value, and not the receipts. But this restrained the bankers and governments that wanted to spend more.

Gold and Silver have weight

What follows is what they actually did. The bankers became aware that the people didn’t always come back to get the gold and silver, and they instead were just trading the paper receipts. This gave the bankers an idea’ they thought that if they just printed and gave out more receipts that no one would be the wiser.

And low and behold it worked. The bankers were now getting rich by printing out these receipts and even loaning them out at interest. So they got rich off of the interest they were charging the people, based on these printed receipts which were supposed to be backed by the original gold and silver in the vaults. But now were backed by nothing, since they were just printing them up.

I think you can extrapolate from here so I’ll leave it here. This should be enough to enlighten you as to what’s going on with your money. And maybe you’ll get interested enough to look into this further.

For further understanding watch Mike Maloney’s <The Hidden Secrets of Money Series>

Mind Control Uncategorized

Is Free Market Capitalism all we need?

Is Free Market Capitalism all we need?

Let’s take a look at this conspiracy

In a socialistic system a few at the top make all of the decisions for you.

In a Free Market Capitalistic system you vote with your wallet.

If something has value to you, well then you’ll buy it. You voted with your wallet.

The person who designed and made it receives the rewards for making something useful for you.

The Socialist Promise

In socialist system, they say that you’ll get an equal share of the pie.

So how does that happen? Let’s see, will they take it by force from the producer, and give it to those who did nothing to help produce it?

That’s called stealing, any way you look at it!

Those who are pushing socialism will not explain this to anyone, they know that if people understood this they would reject socialism.

So what they do instead is push class warfare. They say that the rich are taking your share.

They don’t dare say that if you had produced it you would be the one receiving the rewards.

No Profits for You!

They want you to instead envy those who have created things, and profit from their creations.

This is the main reason socialism doesn’t work. Soon the people won’t produce, once they understand that the fruit of their labor will be forcefully taken away from them.

I think if anyone skilled in a given area, were told the truth. That those skills they worked hard to develop they could not be allowed to profit from it themselves.

That’s what will happen in a socialist system, and those that are selling it know that. They fear that if the people understood this, then possibly they wouldn’t have anything to do with it!

Thanks for reading,

Joseph Sanchez

Red Pill Insights


Who’s Trying to Kill Free Speech in the U.S.?

Who are these people that are trying to Kill Free Speech in the U.S.?

This conspiracy theory says that what’s been happening in our country is actually a slow march to communism.

They say that the proponents of this have been working at it for more than 30 years.

So how has this been done?

Let’s look at this from their point of view. Although they accomplished many of their goals one needs to realize that they don’t do one thing and then another, no they do go after several of the nation’s institutions at the same time.

They say that the first thing they needed to do was take over the education system.

The way this is to be accomplished is by giving tenure to only those professors who agree with and will promote the communist agenda.

Second, they needed to get involved in the political system. How this was done was by funding the campaigns of individuals running for office who either have socialist tendencies or don’t care one way or the other they just want a life of little effort.

Of those types, there are many, and thus easy to use for the communist agenda. If you give these types of people money and comfort you get them on board.

At the same time over these 30 years they needed to take over Journalism. This was done by purchasing the News media companies by prominent communist individuals.

Once they owned them they would install journalist who would not object to putting out the communist message. Mainly because these teleprompter readers weren’t the most intellectually endowed individuals.

So what’s this message?

The message that’s promoted is that you need to care about everything and everyone, except yourself.

You need to give up your rights for the larger vision, this is how they weaken you.

And they have all kinds of metaphors for you if you don’t agree with them. They like to call you a racist, a homophobe, or a right-wing nut, just to name a few of the kind words they have for you.

And since we all want to fit-in, we go along with the program and don’t argue with them.

Frogs in a Pot

There’s an example that if you place a frog in a pot of water it will be comfortable a remain there. Then if you turn up the heat slowly the frog will not know that it’s being cooked until it’s too late.

This is what this conspiracy says is happening to the American people.

Are we Programmed?

That they’ve been exposed to these communist teachings through the education systems the media, the politicians, until each individual is programed.

This becomes the new cognitive imperative, and they will defend these positions even to loss of their own lives.

The conspiracy says that when a belief gets so ingrained into a persons psyche they believe these thoughts are their own.

And they don’t see these views as having been implanted into them.

They say this is the danger we are all in.

These are the techniques of a program that’s being used to subdue a nation.

And not one in a million sees it

Because they say that you should give up your individual needs, and except what the communist system tells you is good for society as a whole.

This is an interesting conspiracy because we can kind of see this all around us today.

It may not be too late if we wake up to the conspiracy. Or is it too late and are we already doomed? This conspiracy says that what we are seeing today is a percentage of the people that are ready for this enslavement.

These Teachings Sound so Good, on their surface if one doesn’t look into these them more deeply.

One might say, who are these people that want to tell me how to live my one and only life here?

And if you are that normal person just wanting to go about your life then you’re the problem because you want your freedoms.

And that’s heresy, to what they are teaching you.

Think of massive retraining on the scale of a whole population.

This is exactly how a population is dominated. They do it by taking over the institutions first.

Soon we may all be the frogs in the pot according to this conspiracy.

Medical Uncategorized

Can Artificial Intelligence and Nano Bio Technology take over the World?

Can Ai and Nano Bio Technology take over the World?

This conspiracy says that up to now Computer Information Technology, has been fairly benign.

Elon Musk is quoted as saying that launching Ai could be a big mistake.

But many scientist say that building Ai could be a huge benefit to mankind. Since it can solve problems much faster that we humans can.

The main reason they give is that Ai can learn so much faster than humans.

And since Ai can learn exponentially that it would understand all of the knowledge we have accumulated in all of our history in weeks instead of years.

It was hard to imagine that mankind could push computer technology ahead as fast as it has.

Today computer chips are using Nanotechnology, using it can self-assemble and self-replicate itself.

Nano Technology

With this the Nanotechnology the Oxford nano-pore minion sequencer.

This device can read DNA. On the fly.

This will unlock the secrets of life.

Every baby that’s born has a drop of blood taken to look for disease. This device can detect any future issues by using DNA sequencing of that same blood.

The Price of Sequencing

As the price of this technology becomes less expensive, more people will have their DNA, sequenced. Scientist say this could be a benefit to us all.

The Life Code

The life code is the latest in the study of genome’s.

In case you’re not aware that all computer programming code has a pattern or rules for that particular coding. And there are many different software language codes.

A new form of computer code has been created, it’s called bio computing or Life Code.

This life code endeavors to be using the power of understanding DNA to create new biological entities that can solve human conditions.

If scientists are able to create nono-biological organisms that can do work inside the human body.

They have now learned how to edit gnomes.

The process is called, Synthetica.

Printing Synthetic DNA

A company called Twist, based in San Francisco, using a 3d printer they can print DNA.

This opens the possibility that if you can design the genetic code, we’ll then you can just print it. Then install it into any living organism.

Craig Venter is one of the pioneers of this approach. He wrote a paper titled, Design and synthesis of a minimal bacterial genome.

This is designing synthetic genomes. With this bio engineering they will be able to create new organs for transplantation.

To be continued…


Design simulation and visualization Software Company. Autodesk is a company that makes gaming software. Scientist are looking at using this method to printing with DNA.

The idea is to take what has been learned there and applying it to bioengineering.

The cost of development of cancer drug today is prohibitive.

The idea here us to have make a synthetic virus that can attack cancer cells and kill them.

Programmable nanotechnology

Ginkgo bio-works an Organism Company

They’ve been working on robotics nanotechnology.

DNA Synthesis

This needs to improve in order for these new bio technologies to become main stream.


These scientists at GP-write are working to take advantage of this new process of writing synthetic complex genomes.

That’s Life Code