History Money

Who Took Out The Nord Stream One and Two Natural Gas Pipe Lines?

In case you are wondering about the Russian Pipe Line Sabotages. By now you must have heard about the sabotage that took place recently to two of the Russian Natural Gas pipe lines that were intended to service Germany and other Western European countries.

The Question is Who Did It?

Who is responsible that is the question being asked? Well let us look into this. Was this an act of war? Obviously if it was done on purpose then that would at least make it an escalation to hostilities. I am not attempting to place blame here, just would like to take some things into consideration, and you the reader can come to your own conclusion.

These two pipe lines, Nord #.1 and Nord #. 2 were created to supply most of Europe with the natural gas needed to not only run the businesses of Europe but also to heat the homes of the people of Europe in the cold winters. As you can see in the map the pipe lines terminate in Germany and from there the gas gets distributed to the rest of Europe.

Aftermath of WW 2

At the end of World War 2 the borders of many European countries were drawn by the powers that were dominant at the time. The Allied Countries who fought to win the war, and were considered to be in control. These were the United States, Britain and Russia they were the major victors.

They were seen as the rescuers of Europe, especially since most of the other powers had capitulated to Germany. Now these are the same powers that remain today. These are considered to be the major players, as China stayed out of the war.

Germany the Engine of Europe

Not to say that the other countries in Europe are not also responsible for a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Europe. It is just that Germany is such a major hub for engineering and manufacturing in Europe.

Having said that, we should note that many important companies manufacture high tech products in Germany to be exported to much of the world.

For these reasons Germany needs a lot of natural gas to run these enterprises. And with the push in recent years for more environmentally friendly means of manufacturing, natural gas was chosen as the go-to energy source as it usually burns cleaner than other forms of energy.

The Dilemma Europe Finds Itself In

So where would they get all of that needed Natural Gas? In steps Russia, Russia being the closest country to Europe with more than enough natural gas above what they consume for their own use. Allowing them to be an exporter of that excess gas to other countries. This also helps their own economy or at least the Oligarchs that profit from this transaction.

Our American media seems to be pointing the finger for this sabotage at Russia. So let us take a look at this, and see if it makes any sense?

Who Benefits?

Whenever there is a criminal investigation generally the investigator will look into who stands to benefit or gain by committing such a crime?

So can go back and take a look at the history of this region. Who the major players are and why they would not want Russia to be the major supplier natural gas to Europe. It seems that these great powers are at odds with each other each wanting to remain the dominant power in Europe.

How Is This Done?

The West no doubt is concerned of what happens if Europe becomes dependent on this Gas Product coming from Russia. What kind of leverage would Russia then have over most of Europe. Because Europe needs natural gas to not only run their businesses with, but also to even heat their homes?

I am not trying to pick sides. It is just that I wanted to give the reader an understanding as to some of the dynamics of this whole complex situation. I hope this article gave you a better understanding as to who the players are, and some of the complexities involved.

Many times the talking heads in media make emotional plies to the public when they have not actually taken the time needed to point out all of the complexities that are actually present.
