Cryptos Money

IS A National Crypto Currency coming to a Smartphone near You?

Digital Money

Is A National Crypto Currency coming to a Smartphone near You?

Seems they are working on this even as you read this article.

Let’s take a look at this National Crypto Currency conspiracy now’

The Federal Reserve is preparing to issue electronic currency right to your phone.

So the Main Stream Media haven’t told you about this?

Negative Interest Rates

You’ve no doubt by now heard about negative interest rates’

Central Banks have wanted to implement negative interest rates for some time now.

Watch government-Backed Digital Currency Why You Should Be Terrified!

The way they will do this is by providing an App that you will download to your phone. No doubt they

George Gammon says we should be terrified!

But how they will get Adoption?

What the Fed will do is offer Fed coins to everyone who will use the app.

We are definitely living in strange times.

Block chain. Now we will see how the government and the banks are intertwined with this new currency.

This is how governments will track every single transaction made. The Fed coin will have a code that tracks the coin.

Programmable Digital Currency

With a programmable digital currency they the government or the banks can limit what you spend this currency on.

They can authorize uses for these coins for specific reasons. So you want to borrow to buy something and go to a bank to get a loan. If you qualify then all they need to do is to load the fed coins onto your account.

The coins are software based on block chain technology.

The Fed Coins

Who will control your money?

As the government can turn off your account any time they feel you are not doing what they tell you. They can do this because they will control the currency in your phone.

Austrian Economics

A teaching in Austrian Economics states that whenever new money is created, the first people to get that money actually get the most benefit from the new money.

That new money eventually trickles out into the economy where the average person gets it after it’s lost some of it’s purchasing power.

So average people don’t benefit from this new money.

The Means and Power of Exchange

Does the government have the constitutional power to do all of this?

Lynette Zang


A National Crypto Currency coming to a Smartphone Near You!

Digital Currency Spend it Quickly!

Did anyone tell you that a ‘National Crypto Currency’ may be coming to a Smartphone Near You?

Let’s take a look at this conspiracy now

The Federal Reserve is preparing to issue electronic currency right to your phone. Most likely will be called The Federal Reserve Digital Dollar.

So the Main Stream Media haven’t told you about this?

Negative Interest Rates

You’ve no doubt by now heard about negative interest rates’

Central Banks have wanted to implement negative interest rates for some time now.

Watch government-Backed Digital Currency Why You Should Be Terrified!

The way they will do this is by providing an App, which you will download to your smartphone. No doubt they will have this system all set up by the time you hear about it!

George Gammon says we should be terrified!

The Cantillon Effect what is it?

This cantillon effect says that the first entities that get the newly printed currency get the actual purchasing power of that currency. Watch the documentary Hard Money’

The problem with this effect is those that are the closest to the currency get the full power of it. While by the time the money gets to the public it has already lost much of its purchasing power.

How they will Get Adoption

What the Fed will do is offer Fed coins to everyone who will use the app.

We are definitely living in strange times.

Block chain. Now we will see how the government and the banks are intertwined with this new currency.

This is how governments will track every single transaction made. The Fed coin will have a code that tracks the coin.

You say that you haven’t heard anything about this on the Main Stream Media so it can’t be true’ are you that sure?

They can authorize uses for these coins for specific reasons. So you want to borrow to buy something and go to a bank to get a loan. If you qualify then all they need to do is to load the fed coins onto your account.

Remember these coins are software based, and on block chain technology.

The Fed Coins

Who will control your money?

As the government can turn off your account any time they feel you are not doing what they tell you. They can do this because they will control the currency in your phone.

Austrian Economics

A teaching in Austrian Economics states that whenever new money is created, the first people to get that money actually get the most benefit from the new money.

That new money eventually trickles out into the economy where the average person gets it after it’s lost some of its purchasing power.

So average people don’t benefit from this new money.

The Means and Power of Exchange

Does the government have the constitutional power to do all of this? That’s the million dollar question isn’t it?