
Are We Predators Without Even Knowing It?

In a recent watched a video about the continent of Africa, it was discussed how Africa is full of material assets which the rest of the world has coveted for hundreds of years.

In this video the lady asked the question, why is it that one of our dollars is worth five thousand of African dollars when Africa has all of the resources. Definitely something to ponder isn’t it? Surely we don’t think that it can be right to exploit the whole continent of Africa just so a few in the western countries can be rich, at the expense of millions of Africans.

Just Some of Their Assets

Africa as you may or not know has most of the world’s diamonds. And you may think that diamonds are only used in jewelry, but that’s not all that diamonds are used for, many are used in cutting tools.

Africa also has much of the world Gold as well, there are many active gold mines there. Africa also has many more metals mines, and these metals are used in thousands of product around the world.

Surely This Can’t Last Forever

Surely no one in their right mind can believe that this can continue for ever. Natural law has a way of evening things out sooner or later.

Surely it must be time to reevaluate the situation and pay the Africans in Africa the correct value for the assets that are being extracted from their continent. This may require that items which are made from these assets will need to be more expensive, but that should be considered to be price to pay in a world that respects all of the people.

Follow this link to watch the video here: