
Nihilism what is It?


So what is Nihilism?

Nihilism in its most basic sense is a belief in nothing. According to The Webster’s dictionary, its tenants are the denial of the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth.

It rejects the customary beliefs in religion and morality. In politics the doctrine says that all social, political, and economic structures must be completely destroyed in order to make way for institutions which advocate revolutionary reform.

What this means to you, is that Nihilist are people who are functioning without any real belief system.

If you look at what’s happening today, you’ll realize that’s exactly whats going on in our country today.

True nihilism leads to mental disorders. The reason for this is, the person that is a nihilist his or her mind runs to and fro looking for meaning.

That’s a problem because our minds are designed to seek for meaning in things. This is why we have teachings.  It’s just the way we are made. The Philosophers gave much thought to this long ago.


The Philosophers

To deny this is to deny oneself. Many of the questions that trouble people were actually asked long ago by the philosophers.

Plato, Aristotle, Socrates Even these philosophers understood the importance of meaning and moral values. A philosopher by the name of Meno, who was a follower of Socrates, once asked Socrates whether he thought that Virtue could be taught. They pondered the meaning of life and values as far back as 470 B.C. over two thousand years ago.

Those who are promoters of nihilism don’t know that people need meaning in their lives. It is this writer’s belief if you disconnect a person from their beliefs and their meaning in life, you will wind up with chaos.

The psychologist Rollo May wrote extensively on the human search for the meaning of life.

This is a huge’ If you have no real beliefs then in your search for meaning others will insert a belief system they want you to have into you.

The Social Engineers

Social Engineers are those that want create a different form of societal structure. Since they have managed to swipe your mind from a belief system, now they can sub-plant a belief system into you.

This is what they have done. The Nihilist will promote that there is no right or wrong.  

Are we Gods?

Isn’t this what they are promoting? That you are your own god or that there is no God and you make all of your own decisions, and that the only rules are those rules that you apply to yourself. They don’t have a concept of morality. What is not said is that without morality you don’t have Character.

So what’s the danger with this Nihilism concept? The problem is that if there are no absolutes. They may teach you that your rights don’t exist either. That way your leaders can say that they give them to you, your rights that is, rather than that your rights coming from a higher power, namely from God.

You be the judge’



Is the Ark of Covenant Here in America?

Is the Ark of Covenant Here in America?

This conspiracy says that the Ark of the Covenant mentioned in the Bible in the book of Exodus, is actually stored here in America.

This story says that in 722 B.C. Jerusalem was conquered by the Assyrians. And that’s why it’s believed that is when those in control of the Ark of Covenant wanting to protect it, brought the Ark here to America.

The Stone of Destiny

There’s a stone carved kind of like a water sink. Was in Arizona that is now kept in Ohio, and this may be one clue. How and when it was brought to Arizona is still a mystery. This stone is called the Stone of Destiny.

In the for TV show History Unearthed: Ark of the Covenant Hidden in Arizona (S2, E1) Full Episode.

The Bible says that the Ten Commandments were stored in it. The Ark is said to be very powerful and that if you touch it it can be deadly.

The myth is that the Ark was brought to America a long time ago.

In Ireland at the Hill of Tara was the last place it was described to have been seen. There, the princess TEA TEPHI of Egypt was in possession of the Ark and is supposed to have brought it to Ireland in 580 B.C.

The story says that the King of Tara buried the princess the Ark was placed in along with the princess’s body.

Following the Trail

The trail leads from there to Jack Andrews Farm in Virginia, U.S.A. The people there say that the Stone of Destiny is there to this day, but not the Ark.

And this story says that the Ark and the Stone of Destiny always traveled together.

Was the Original Returned?

A man who bought the some land in Arizona recently, found this stone. And at one point it was even stolen, and the thief’s left a replacement stone exactly what like it in hopes that the one would notice they had taken it.

So why would someone bother to still this item if it wasn’t important.

Luckily a neighbor saw them removing it, and took a picture of their license plate. So this allowed the owner of the land to retrieve it.

A copy was then placed there and the original is kept in a barn on his property.

Test Results for the Stone

The stone was tested to see if it is stone from the area in Jerusalem. The results didn’t show that the Stone of Destiny that they have there is from Jerusalem.

It’s possible that the people who stole it gave them back a copy. And kept the original.

This is just a beginning of an interesting story as to where the Ark is located at. If you like more on this one you can watch the whole story Here!

History Money Uncategorized

Is Feudalism the new way of life?

Is Feudalism the new way of life?

A preface: I won’t hold back here like so many college professors do!

Many a professor will give you the surface story so that they can convince you to their agenda.

I want give you a better understand of this period in time as a extension of the human condition.

I want to synthesize this for you in a way that’s shows you the connections.

As recently as the time period around World War ll Winston Churchill said” if you don’t know your history then you are doomed to repeat it.”

A Feudal Society

This conspiracy says that the economic system of the world has changed.

That we are now living in a feudal society these days.

They say that soon we the ordinary people will be living under feudalism.

That what happened is we have just made a circle and are now back to where we were in the 1600’s also called the Middle Ages.

This feudal system is how Europe was governed during the Middle Ages. 1500-1600’s.

This system had layers of control and at the top was the King.

Below the king was a Duke, you might think of our state government.

A fief was when a king would grant land to someone.

That person would the be a Vassal of the king.

The Fief was like a grant deed today.

The conspiracy says that what we are not seeing is that all of the wealth has once again trickled up to a few rich people.

This was also the case during feudal times.

This happens for various reasons, that’s what we will not cover here. Other than to say that this happens in cycles.

In case you haven’t noticed, there already are people demonstrating in the streets.

Are these the symptoms of our economic system?

What was the case in the feudalistic times was that all the wealth was held by what we’re called The Nobel’s.

They were the elites of their day

How this worked then, and is working now is that as a few individuals accumulated all of the land which was where the wealth came from in those days.

Since societies we’re agrarian in those days the land is where the wealth was extracted from.

If you think about it land is where everything does come from. Be it growing food, or extracting metals to build things from.

And since the Nobel’s owned all of the land, the people became surfs. What the surfs we’re, they were the renters in those times.

They worked the land to pay the Nobel’s with what they produced from the land. What you might know as taxes today.

If you look at this as a process then you can achieve a better understanding of how this works.

The Bible as a historical document

In time when the Bible was written the people we’re under a similar system.

The early civilizations had kings. In Egypt the kings we’re called Pharaohs.

When the Hebrew people found themselves in hard times.

They told the Pharaoh Ramsey that they would turn over their land to him if he would feed and protect them.

This became a society structure. This lasted for a thousand years.

Hopefully I have shown you the connection between olden times and our time today.

The cycle repeats itself over and over again

When the wealth is transferred to the top, we get the same system over and over again.

You can probably see how the rich can even get away with crimes, while the poor can’t.

Sometimes people will say that,  â€there’s one law for the poor, and another for the rich people ”.

If you take a historical view you’ll see why that is.

In the feudal world, the few controlled all of the wealth and the people we’re slaves to them.

That’s the conspiracy. What do you think?

History Uncategorized

The John F. Kennedy Assassination

The John F. Kennedy Assassination

This one deserves special treatment

So the definition of a conspiracy is when two or more people conspire something illicit.

I was a young child when this happened and I can remember watching it on a black & white T.V. and it was so sad. That’s why I have my own views on this one.

This conspiracy is about America’s youngest president and what happened to him, November 22nd 1963 Dallas Texas. The presidential limousine was traveling at 11 miles per hour. This conspiracy says that it wasn’t possible for a lone gunman to get off three shots in the 5.6 seconds.

Our beloved president was struck-down in broad daylight. We loved him he was considered to many a moral leader in this confusing world.

Following the assassination the government setup the Warren Commission. It was supposed to get to the bottom of what happened in Dallas that eventful day.

What we need to look into as we take a look at this and do we except the Warren Commission’s findings and were they incorrect?

Who was Responsible for his death?

So many people came forward with different accounts that the commission never mentioned.

One lady said that she saw a bullitt that ricocheted off the ground.

There have been many books and movies made about the subject of this conspiracy.

There have many secrets about this conspiracy. Americans want to know the truth about this assassination.

There has even been a conspiracy to cover up what happened that day.

Some say that the CIA was involved, some say Cuba’s Fidel Castro, and many more conspiracies.

This is one that I don’t think will ever be put to bed.

Some say the CIA used the Mafia to kill the president. Many who knew something are dead now many died brutally.  

The Various Characters in this saga

Santos Trafficante, (mobster drug dealer), Jack Ruby (mafia), and there’s Jonny Rosselli (mob hitman) he says the CIA got ahold of him and asked him if he would kill Fidel Castro. Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA Hitman). There were many actors in this conspiracy. Even George Bush senior has been implicated many don’t know that at that time he was a CIA Operative.

Some say that Oswald was a patsy that he was set up to take the fall.

 They made many attempts to get him and each time they failed.

His Family

U.S. President John F. Kennedy, his wife, Jacqueline, and their children, Caroline and John Jr., are seen on Easter Sunday in 1963. Even Kennedy’s youth and “vigah” would be put to the test today, as he would have turned 100 years old on May 29, which happens to be Memorial Day this year. (CNS photo/Reuters) See WASHINGTON-LETTER-JFK April 27, 2017.

John F. Kennedy was the son of Joseph Kennedy who it is said made his money through boot-legging Irish whiskey during the prohibition. A very lucrative business in deed. Joseph Kennedy later was assigned as the ambassador to England.

John F. Kennedy was married to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy and they had three children, Caroline, John and Patrick.

Someone who knew that Some-thing was going to Happen to the President

Rose Cherami was thrown from a car the day before and was transported to the Louisiana State Hospital where she tried to tell her story that the president was going to be assassinated. The doctors didn’t do anything with that information.

At the same time this was going on at the hospital the presidents Secret Service men were hanging out at a bar with some strippers, until 5am in the morning.

New computer enhancement technology available today shows that there was another shooter involved in the shooting.

The Grassy Knoll

A woman saw someone moving quickly from the grassy knoll and she told the police to go get him. Whe the police arrived at the location another man showed them a badge and said that they should leave that area, and they complied.

The thought is that his conspiracy was initiated because of the CIA’s attempt to kill Fidel Castro and Castro assumed that Kennedy knew about the hit and was part of it. Although that was never substantiated. It’s possible that the Castro concocted the plot and used the Mafia to accomplish it.




I can guaranty you that the history you’ve been taught is nothing like this!

We are sure that the history you were taught in school is nothing like what we are going to cover here.

As far back as we have written history we need to go all the way back in time to Mesopotamia.

The witness of history is written in stone. This is the time period of the Bicameral Theocracies.

In about 1230 B.C., rulers were considered to be gods. One tyrant that ruled Assyria at the time is called Tukulti-Ninurta. Even though he was a ruler, he himself had a god that he looked to for guidance.

Before him it was said that the god Khnum created him’

These gods were who were supposed to be responsible for making humans.

These Kingdoms were considered to be Theocracies, because they were ruled by gods.

In Mesopotamia the gods were one’s owner. In Mesopotamia the house of the god was the ziggurat, a great rectangular tower that you may have seen in so many parts of the world.

Modern Interpretation

The Modern interpretation is that humans at that time hallucinated. And that these gods were hallucinations and a way for the minds of making sense out of the world they were living in. That this was an early mental structure was before the development to the kind of consciousness we have today.

It is believed that the hallucinations were man’s early social systems. What is meant by that is that they the hallucinations served as an early mental structure. It is believed that it worked for them and actual societies were built on this construct.

And that as trade among people became more complex this form of social construct was no longer sufficient. Thus the stresses of growing civilizations required man to develop a more robust form of mind.

This is what it looks like when archeologist look at the curiae form tablets from that time period.  

As you read this you must be cognizant that we are talking of periods of time that are measured in millennia not simply years. We are taking some 5000 years ago.

Laws or Rules of that time

They developed laws or rules and these rules they would say my god says to do this or that’

You might think that this type of ruling structure could not work, but the evidence of history would be in disagreement with you. As this form of societal structure worked for thousands of years.


Hammurabi ruled around 1750 B. C. he it said received judgements from his god Marduk.

Have you ever heard of Hammurabi’s code, it is a series of laws that consisted of 282 pronouncements of the god. Things like, the apportioning of commodities among the different occupations, how house slaves or thieves or unruly sons were to be punished.

The old eye-for an- eye and tooth-for-a-tooth kind of recompensing judgements come from him.

The laws would go on and on as he made them up based upon the hallucinations he would receive from his god.

Hard for us to fathom this today as we use our modern form of consciousness to navigate our world, isn’t it?

This was hallucinatory control at its finest!

I’ll leave it here for now as that’s a lot to digest.

The history you know may be wrong’

Preview of whats to come…

Various Civilizations Upon the Earth

It seems there have been many different civilizations on the earth over the millennia…

Someone once said: “If you don’t know your history, then you are doomed to repeat it.”