History Money

Who Took Out The Nord Stream One and Two Natural Gas Pipe Lines?

In case you are wondering about the Russian Pipe Line Sabotages. By now you must have heard about the sabotage that took place recently to two of the Russian Natural Gas pipe lines that were intended to service Germany and other Western European countries.

The Question is Who Did It?

Who is responsible that is the question being asked? Well let us look into this. Was this an act of war? Obviously if it was done on purpose then that would at least make it an escalation to hostilities. I am not attempting to place blame here, just would like to take some things into consideration, and you the reader can come to your own conclusion.

These two pipe lines, Nord #.1 and Nord #. 2 were created to supply most of Europe with the natural gas needed to not only run the businesses of Europe but also to heat the homes of the people of Europe in the cold winters. As you can see in the map the pipe lines terminate in Germany and from there the gas gets distributed to the rest of Europe.

Aftermath of WW 2

At the end of World War 2 the borders of many European countries were drawn by the powers that were dominant at the time. The Allied Countries who fought to win the war, and were considered to be in control. These were the United States, Britain and Russia they were the major victors.

They were seen as the rescuers of Europe, especially since most of the other powers had capitulated to Germany. Now these are the same powers that remain today. These are considered to be the major players, as China stayed out of the war.

Germany the Engine of Europe

Not to say that the other countries in Europe are not also responsible for a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Europe. It is just that Germany is such a major hub for engineering and manufacturing in Europe.

Having said that, we should note that many important companies manufacture high tech products in Germany to be exported to much of the world.

For these reasons Germany needs a lot of natural gas to run these enterprises. And with the push in recent years for more environmentally friendly means of manufacturing, natural gas was chosen as the go-to energy source as it usually burns cleaner than other forms of energy.

The Dilemma Europe Finds Itself In

So where would they get all of that needed Natural Gas? In steps Russia, Russia being the closest country to Europe with more than enough natural gas above what they consume for their own use. Allowing them to be an exporter of that excess gas to other countries. This also helps their own economy or at least the Oligarchs that profit from this transaction.

Our American media seems to be pointing the finger for this sabotage at Russia. So let us take a look at this, and see if it makes any sense?

Who Benefits?

Whenever there is a criminal investigation generally the investigator will look into who stands to benefit or gain by committing such a crime?

So can go back and take a look at the history of this region. Who the major players are and why they would not want Russia to be the major supplier natural gas to Europe. It seems that these great powers are at odds with each other each wanting to remain the dominant power in Europe.

How Is This Done?

The West no doubt is concerned of what happens if Europe becomes dependent on this Gas Product coming from Russia. What kind of leverage would Russia then have over most of Europe. Because Europe needs natural gas to not only run their businesses with, but also to even heat their homes?

I am not trying to pick sides. It is just that I wanted to give the reader an understanding as to some of the dynamics of this whole complex situation. I hope this article gave you a better understanding as to who the players are, and some of the complexities involved.

Many times the talking heads in media make emotional plies to the public when they have not actually taken the time needed to point out all of the complexities that are actually present.


History Money

Capitalism Verses Marxism

Marxism is a Philosophy

The main differences will be explained here.

One of these systems comes about organically, while the other is contrived.

The Tenets of Marxism

Lets start with Marxism, Marxism it is a philosophy. It came from the mind work of Carl Marx.

He wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848.

Marxism is a political, economic and social system.

The Tenets of this philosophy are mainly that society is divided by social classes.

That there are two main classes, which he calls the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat.

The bourgeoisie being the business people, and the proletariat being all of the working class people.

The main tenet of Marxism, is that the business owners take advantage of the working class people.

While Marxism may seem innocent enough, it is actually controlled by those at the top.


Capitalism with all of its faults actually comes about organically. That’s because it comes about by individuals exchanging of values.

With capitalism you share your abilities with others for a price. Originally it would have been trading item for item.

An example of a problem with this monetary system arrives when one wants to trade something that is more valuable for something of lessor value. This is where money came into existance. Using money instead of direct trading is much more desirable.

Since money earned can be broken into smaller increments, which makes trading much easier to do.

The Winners and the Losers

The issues come about when those who understand the system can take advantage of the system and subsequently earn more since they understand how the system works. Its really that simple those who understand the system can take advantage of that knowledge and get rich.

Many people not understanding what is happening they may become agitated with those who do and do enjoy the benefits of that understanding.

Slick politicians have always attempted to use this lack of understanding by the average person to cause a division between these classes of people, because it’s easy to do.

There you have it in a nutshell.



NGOs Are They Good for The Country?

Should You Be Concerned?

So why I am writing about this here?

I’ll tell you why, its because I feel not all NGOs are good for our nation, and does the downside to these actually out-way the benefits of them.

NGOs are (Non Government Organizations) On the surface these may seem innocent enough. But lets look a little deeper into this phenomena.

The President’s Speech

ON 27 April 1961, probably before some of you reading this were born, in case you’re not aware of the ground breaking speech that President John F. Kennedy made on that day, to the American Newspaper Publishers Association at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel?

Its possible that your school didn’t inform you of it. So let’s have a talk now.

Here are a couple of excerpts for his speech,

At the 08:09 minute mark this is what he said:

John F. Kennedy: (08:09)

“But I do ask every publisher, every editor, and every news man in the nation to re-examine his own standards, and to recognize the nature of our country’s peril. In time of war, the government and the press have customarily joined in an effort, based largely on self-discipline, to prevent unauthorized disclosures to the enemy. In times of clear and present danger, the courts have held that even the privileged rights of the First Amendment must yield to the public’s need for national security. Today, no war has been declared and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger, and yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired. If the press is awaiting a declaration of war, before it imposes the self-discipline of combat conditions, then I can only say that no war ever posed a greatest threat to our security. If you are awaiting a finding of clear and present danger, then I can only say that the danger has never been clearer, and its presence has never been more imminent.”

At the 09:42 mark this is what he said:

John F. Kennedy: (09:42)

“It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions by the government, by the people, by every businessman, or labor leader, and by every newspaper. But we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding it’s fear of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. It’s preparations are concealed, not published. It’s mistakes are buried, not headlined. It’s dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned. No rumor is printed. No secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War in short with a wartime discipline, no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.”

Complete transcript is here:

What this article about is as you can see, he was warning the News Papers in our country that they should keep a eye out for those who would use undo influence to shift the balance of power away from the public to their own designs.

Let me explain’ today our country is inundated with NGOs, You’ve no doubt heard of some of these you may even have been involved in some of them.

By now your asking so what’s my concern? The simple reason for my concern is that isn’t it possible that these NGOs’ are not really working in our best interest, and can it be that some of them are used as tools to undermine our countries sovereignty.

The NGO what really is it?

So what is an NGO anyway? An NGO is supposed to be a group of individuals that come together to form an informal organization in order to discuss areas of common interest. And they are supposed to this without government involvement.

NGOs are supposed to incorporate as a Non Governmental Organization, under the laws of the state in which they are operating.

These requirements vary from state to state. In their documents they are suppose to provide a statement as to what their organizational mission is, the name and identities of the agents involved in the creation of the NGO .

 How Many Exist in These United States

Today there are around 1.5 million NGOs in the United States of America today.

They range the gambit, from volunteer organizations to every cause imaginable.

And their donations come from private individuals all the way to for-profit companies.

No Prohibition on Foreign Funding!

There is currently no law that prevents foreign funding into these organization. UH’ are you kidding me? Can anyone see the dangers here?

Now My Thoughts on all of this’

Going back to John F. Kennedy’s speech shouldn’t we be concerned? Especially when he already warned us that we could be attacked by infiltration instead of invasion. If you think about it what’s to keep a person with deep pockets who donates to these NGO’s form attaining greater control and influence in our nation than what the average citizen could ever hope to attain.

So what’s to stop our politicians from getting in bed with these NGOs in order to attain more power and influence for themselves as well as their political parties.

Have They Not Already Gone to Far?

Although most of these organization are most likely benign, it may be time that we all took a closer look at them. Considering what our beloved President John F. Kennedy warned us about. That there were powerful forces at work within the dark underbelly of our nation that were attempting to control and undermine the will of the people.

My assertion is that these NGOs are being used to feather the pockets of those who run them, rather than truly benefitting those that they portend to help.

Two of the largest of these NGOs organizations are,

The Open Society Foundation, and the Melinda and Bill Gates foundations are some examples of large NGOs.


Transcript of the President John F. Kennedy’s speech, follow this link,



The Age of Enlightenment

The Philosophers

Voltaire & Rousseau

Thought of  the day…

Rousseau The Age of Reason


Voltaire and Rousseau

(1694-1778) The Age of Reason

Voltaire said that, “One must live before his philosophy.”

The Age of Enlightenment

This was a period of time in which the intellectual and philosophical movement was at its height in “The world of ideas” and was at its intellectual peak.

This period of enlightenment took place in Europe during the 17th through the 19th centuries.

The Age of Reason Philosophers

Voltaire believed that once a man gives up his independence he would no longer be happy. Some philosophers of the eighteenth century including Voltaire were atheists or even suppressed the idea of God, they none the less maintained the notion that man possessed certain what they called “human nature” or a nature that is found in every man. That each man had in him the universal characteristic of what it is to be a man.

Rousseau the philosopher of that period says In his book The Social Contract he wrote, “ In the state of nature, man is motivated by natural sentiment [amour de soi] which inclines every animal to watch over his own preservation, and which, directed in man by reason of pity, produces humanity and virtue.”

In the state of nature, man was motivated and happy not because he was an angel, but because he lived entirely for himself, and therefore possessed an absolute independence.

Well we may be wise to study the intelligent writings of these philosophers once again. And think if it isn’t high time that we consider if those making decisions for us are doing so from a view that we are happiest when we are free, or are they doing so out of pity for humanity?

The teachings of all those brilliant thinkers in the past, along with their lessons for us may have been forgotten by many today.

What we might be doing today!

It seems that men today seem to be relying on the agendas of others, to make decisions rather than close consideration of what may or may not be in their best interest.

Examples can be seen in all forms of media today. It’s easy to see that they are not just giving you just the unbiased news, but are in effect giving you a point of view which they themselves support.

Because of this phenomenon we as a race may have become much more venerable to the whims of those who control us through the information they are allowing us to see.

Don’t you think it’s high time that we at least examine each of these views, before accepting a solution created by those that may have their own agenda?

What I would like to say is that men used to read books now they just read what is put on the Internet. Maybe we should get back to reading books and learning to think for ourselves.




What would President Ronald Reagan say about this time period in our history?

Are we giving up our Liberty?

What did Ronald Reagan say when he was faced with the growing threat of communism during the cold  War?

“Detente a farmer might ask, isn’t that what a farmer does to his turkey until Thanksgiving Day?

What do we say to our brothers and sisters now caught behind the Iron Curtain, give up your dreams of freedom now cause in order to save our own skins we are willing to make a deal with your slave masters?

Do you and I have the courage to say there is a price we will not pay, a point beyond which evil must not advance’

Evil is powerless if good people are un-afraid!

You and I have a meeting with destiny. Will we preserve for our children the last best hope of man on earth, or will we sentence them to take the last step into darkness.

We are at war with the most dangerous enemy that has ever faced mankind in his long climb from the swamp to the stars.

And it’s been said if we lose this war, and in so doing lose this great freedom of ours, history will record with great astonishment that those that had the most to lose did the least to prevent it from happening!

Well I think it’s high time now that we ask ourselves do we even know the freedoms that were intended for us by our Founding Fathers.

Every generation of Americans needs to know that freedom exist, not to do what you like, but having the right to do what you ought’

And that is the freedom that I wish for you.”

President Ronald Reagan February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004

Food for thought’

Here is something that we all should be considering this day.
