
Moon Landing Conspiracy

The Moon Landing Conspiracy

There are those people who see the Apollo Moon landing as a hoax. They say that the images that were supposed to have been sent back from the moon are fake.

Conspiracy theorist give various explanations as to why they don’t believe we ever went to moon. They say that the lighting in the photographs is incorrect. And that you can’t see the stars which should be visible from that vantage point on the moon surface.

Some even point top the flag that seems to be waving when it shouldn’t be, since there no wind blowing on the moon according to what we know.

They say that the flag should not appear to be moving if erected on the moon.

Then there are those that say that the astronauts are covering for NASA the Space Agency.

The Van Allen Belt

This in it self could be classified as a conspiracy. It says that the earth is surrounded by a Radioactive Belt and that no human would be able to survive going through this radioactive belt because they would get cancer and die very soon.

So they say that it would be a death mission to try and do so.

Many say that these conspiracies have been debunked by the astronauts who were involved in the Apollo missions to the moon.

To this day this conspiracy wont go away. As with most of these only time will tell the real story.


Currency Verses Gold Conspiracy

The Dollar is the World’s Reserve Currency

There’s a conspiracy that the United States is manipulating the price of gold. They say that it’s in the interest of the U.S. to keep the price of gold down so that the dollar actually seems stronger than it is.

This is especially important they say because since the dollar became the World’s Reserve Currency in the 1940’s. Especially they say that after World War II when the United States help win the war against Germany and Japan.

Ever since then the dollar it seems has been the world’s reserve currency. They say that originally the value of the dollar was tied to gold.

The Gold Standard

And that in 1971 President Nixon took the U.S. off of the Gold Standard when he closed the gold window. What was the case before that was that the dollar was tied to gold and holders of the dollar could go to a bank and turn in their dollars and receive gold.

The conspiracy believers say that what was happening was that countries that had accumulated large sums of dollars through trade, wanted to trade them in for gold.

And they say that this was draining all of the gold that was in Fort- Knox Kansas. And since the dollar was tied to gold they could do that.

So it became necessary to decouple the dollar from gold. And they say that’s the reason that the U.S. will always manipulate the price of gold downward.

Is Gold Competition for the Dollar

The Sponsors of this conspiracy say that it is possible because gold competes with the dollar for being a viable type of money. Especially since it has all of the qualities that make up good money.

Currency on the other hand does not have all of the qualities of good money.

This is an interesting conspiracy because as we know gold and silver as well have been considered to be money for thousands of years.

And only in recent times and the advent of currencies has paper money been able to make inroads as money. They say that today people have been fooled by currency which is deceitful impostor.

Don’t know what you think but seems that this conspiracy may have some merit.

Here is the full text of Senator in Congress minus the silver product totals, Interesting speech on what money should be’









The House having tinder consideration the bill (H. R. 1) to repeal a part ot

an act, approved July 14,1890, entitled “An act directing the purchase of silver

bullion and the issue of Treasury notes thereon, and for other purposes”—

Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee said:

Mr. S P E A K E R : During the Fifty-second Congress, on the 23d

of March, 1892, a bill was pending in this House for the free coinage of silver and for the issue of coin notes, and for other purposes. While that bill was pending I took occasion to submit

some remarks to the House upon it. I stated that I thought it

was the plain duty of Congress to provide for the coinage of both

metals unless it could be shown that of one of the metals there

was a sufficient quantity which could be coined into money to

to meet the demands of our trade and commerce. I also quoted

from the Constitution of the United States the provision that

Congress shall have power 4 ‘to coin money, regulate the value

thereof, and of foreign coin.” I also quoted the provision, * No

State shall coin money,” and the provision, ” No State shall make

anything but gold or silver a legal tender in payment of debts.”

I insisted then, Mr. Speaker, that if both metals, gold and silver, could be coined, there would not be enough coin in the

United States to meet the just and legitimate demands of * trade

and commerce. ^ I have seen nothing since that time to lead me

to change the views which I then entertained and expressed. I

stated then that if silver was admitted to free coinage in this

country and to its rights before the law and under the Constitution, I believed it would go to a parity with the other metal..

In the beginning of my remarks to-day I wish to say that I

still entertain those views, and I shall vote for the free coinage

of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, that failing for 17 to 1, then 18 to

1, then 19 to 1, and 20 to 1; and I shall vote in favor of the BlandAllison bill, and against the unconditional repeal of the Sherman law. [Applause.]

I shall not vote for any ratio higher than 16 to 1, the present

ratio, however, without some feeling of reluctance. I say this

because the ratio of 16 to 1 puts more silver into the standard

silver dollar of the United States than any government puts into

any silver coin in the world. I fear if the United States should

establish a ratio greater than 16 to 1 at an early day in the future all the silver of the United States would go abroad. It could

not be kept here. Foreign governments, then opening their mints

to the free coinage of silver, would have all our silver flowing to


them. No nation, so far as I know, ever adopted a much larger

ratio than 16 to 1. To change the ratio would mean the recoinag& of all our gold coins, or of all our silver coins, and during the

process of taking up the old coins and getting the new ones into

circulation great confusion and trouble would ensue.

I do not believe there is necessity for a change of the ratio,

for if we are to have bimetallism—the use of both metals—we can

as easily have it at 16 to 1 as at any other ratio. The ratio between the two metals in the days of Washington was about 15 to

1. At a later period, June 29,1834, it was fixed at about 16 to 1,

and thus, in my opinion, it should remain. I can not believe I

am mistaken, that with free coinage we can absorb the annual

supply of silver, and maintain the parity of the metals at 16 to 1

with as much certainty as at a new ratio.

I will only vote for a new and increased ratio now that we

may show a spirit of compromise and fairness to our friends,

members of the same party to which I belong, who honestly

lavor silver as money, yet who insist there is too much difference between the present standard silver and the gold dollar.

The present disparity in value between the two metals, it is

conceded, is great, but I contend that this great disparity is

largely if not altogether the result of legislation hostile to silver. I shall insert here an extract from the speech made by

me in the House on March 23, 1892, and which I now ask the

Clerk to read.

The Clerk read as follows:

From time immemorial, perhaps from the beginning of civilization, these

two precious metals have been recognized as money, and have been made

the media of commercial exchange. Gold and silver were the money of our

colonies before the States were formed. The framers of our Constitution

made our monetary system bimetallic when they made recognition of the

two metals in the provisions which I have quoted. I think it can be safely

assumed upon these premises that as representatives of the people in Congress our duty is a plain one—that is, to establish the ratio of value for the

coinage of the two metals, and then to provide for their free coinage. Such,

I assert, was the policy of Congress from the beginning of our Government

under the Constitution, at least from 1792 down to 1873.

During all these years from 1792 to 1873 both of these metals were free coined.

In the latter year, 1873, without any public demand for a change our system

was radically altered, and one of the metals demonetized. This was done

without discussion and without any public demand therefor. It was done

secretly and stealthily. It was done without the knowledge of the members

of Congress who themselves did it. If this radical change in our monetary

system had been made with understanding on the part of the legislators who

did it, and in answer to some popular demand therefor, it might with reason

be contended that there was wisdom in the new policy.

But it is a violent assumption to claim that for nearly a hundred years we

had been pursuing the right policy, and that all at once, without discussion

of the question and without the intention of the Congress which did it, the

new policy was discovered by accident and put into operation. The ratio of

value of gold and silver in this country as fixed by Congress was 16 to 1; that

is to say, gold was sixteen times as valuable as silver. In other words 1

ounce of gold was declared to be equal in value to 16 ounces of silver. At the

ratio of value I have mentioned, these metals circulated in our country side

by side with but little appreciable difference in value until 1873.

In 1873, when the crime was committed of the demonetization of silver,

for it was a crime, it is a fact that this met& exceeded in value the other

metal by about 3 per cent, It is believed now, by the advocates of bimetallism, that if silver is restored to its full constitutional rights, that is, to have

its legal-tender power restored, and to be admitted to the mints for free coinage, that it will speedily appreciate in value until it will be equal to gold.

It will not be controverted that when silver was stricken down in 1873 thaft

about one-half of the money of our country was destroyed, leaving as money

but the one metal, gold. The inevitable result was to immediately enhance

or increase the value of gold. What followed?


We have but to look back to the intervening years since 1873 to find the

answer. The effect was seen in the depression in business, the stopping of

industrial enterprises, the falling off in the demand for labor, and sfo universal decline in prices. Especially has this been true in all the agricultural

districts in our land. The burden of the debtor class was doubled, and

thousands and tens of thousands of those who had known prosperity and

happiness-were brought to distress. Those who had gold or fixed incomes

were made richer while all the producing classes were made poorer. The

effect was to place gold at a premium of from 40 to 50 per cent., and at the

same time to make it the measure or standard of value of all other property

at its increased value. It may be that silver declined in value, and it did,

compared alone with gold. It was inevitable that such decline would follow.

As to every other commodity on earth I do not believe it can be said that

silver has declined. As compared with land, horses, cor». cotton, wheat,

beef, pork, and indeed every article produced by agriculturists it has surely

not declined, and has lost relatively none of its purchasing power. NotWithstanding the discrimination against it, and it being outlawed as money

by act of Congress, it has maintained a position nearer in value to gold than

any other commodity in the land. It was made a commodity when its power

as money, or to be money, was taken from it by law.

Mr. RICHARDSON of Tennessee. By repeating the foregoing remarks I wish only to emphasize what I then said. I can

not vote for the unconditional repeal of the purchasing clause of

the Sherman law. It * is the only act left on the statute books

which makes any provision for silver, and while I voted against

it when it was enacted in the Fifty-first Congress, I did it because it repealed the Bland-Allison law, which I thought was

preferable to it. I do not like it now. It makes silver a commodity instead of money, but under its provisions the paper

money circulation is increased. And it is the only law, it seems,

under which this can be done.

In taking the position I have indicated, Mr. Speaker, I am in

line with all the Democratic teachings, and all their platforms

ever written, so far as I know. I shall only quote from three

platforms of our party, thefirstquotation being from the national

platform of 1884, which is in these words:

We believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of the Constitution, and a circulating medium convertible into such money without loss.

The national Democratic platform of 1892 uses the following


We denounce the Republican legislation known as the Sherman act of 1890

as a cowardly makeshift, fraught with possibilities of danger in the future

which should make all of its supporters, as well as its author, anxious for

its repeal. We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money

of the country, and to the coinage of both gold and silver without discriminating against either metal or charge for mintage, but the dollar unit pf

coinage of both metals must be of equal Intrinsic and exchangeable value,

or be adjusted through international agreement or by such safeguards of

legislation as shall insure the maintenance of the parity of the two metals

and the equal power of every dollar at all times in the markets and in the

payment of debts; and we demand that all paper currency shall be kent ^t

par with and redeemable in such coin. We insist upon this policy as especially necessary for the protection of the farmers and laboring classes, the

first and most defenseless victims of unstable money and a fluctuating currency.

K there was any room for misunderstanding these words, or

any doubt as to what was meant by the party in the minds of its

members generally, I insist no Tennessee Democrat has any

ground for doubt “or misunderstanding. The following is an

extract from the Tennessee Democratic platform of 1890, which

every Tennessee Democrat advocated:

We demand a currency of gold and silver, and also of paper convertible

Into coin at the option of the holder, and we demand the free coinage of silver


ver on the basis originally fixed by law, and that it and the gold dollar shall

be equally a unit of value.

Mark the words, “we demand the free coinage of silver on the

basis originally fixed “by law*” This means free coinage at the

ratio of 16 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold, the present ratio.

And mark the other words, both the gold dollar and the silver

dollar “shall be equally a unit of value.” With the repeal of

the Sherman law, or the purchasing clause of silver in it, where

is there any provision in the law for silver? There is none left.

No declaration of the party since that date has ever absolved

Democrats from the principles thus clearly set forth, I pledged

the people who elected me. to standby the principles of the party

so often and so clearly enunciated in their platforms, and I shall

do it though no other member of this House votes with me.

Speaking for myself, and for myself only in this sentence, I

would deem myself unworthy of the position which I esteem so

highly as the representative of the people of my district if I

were untrue to the promises made them and were to vote for

any proposition contrary to the free coinage of silver. Others

may do as they please. I shall stand by the platforms of the

party, and the pledges I made the people when I sought their

suffrages as a candidate for a seat in this body.

It has been said there is too much silver being produced, and

that for this reason we must abandon its coinage and resort to

gold alone. This I deny. The production of these two metals

since the’foundation of the world has been about the same. We

have reliable statistics for the past four hundred years—that is,

from 1493 to 1893—and on this point the report of the officers of

the United States Mint shows that for the four hundred years

named the production of gold of the world has been $8,204,303,000, and of silver $9,726,072,500, which is only a slierlit difference,

but the difference is in favor of silver. Let us see how it is for

the past one hundred years—that is, from 1792 to 1892. There

was produced of gold during this time $1,969,692,976, and of

silver $1,158,831,869. Again the difference is not great, but it is

in favor of gold.

For the year 1892 the production of gold was $130,816,600, and

of silver $196,605,200.

I will here insert a table whic h shows the annual production

of gold and silver of the world for the last ten years, 1*893 to 1892,




Those were his words’


Corona Virus conspiracies

Corona Virus conspiracies

One conspiracy says that Bill Gates was involved in the Covid-19 because he wants everyone to be vaccinated. That some how he will get some monetary benefit, if everyone is vaccinated.

Another Covid-19 conspiracy says that Covid-19 is cause by 5g cell phone towers, and that they are causing the virus, by damaging human cells.

Everyone wants to know where this virus actually came from.

Some say it was created in a laboratory to get rid of older people.

The Popular Belief

The most excepted conspiracy on the virus is that China was developing a biological weapon in Wuhan China. And that a sloppy worker let it leak out of the laboratory. Probably didn’t decontaminate properly. That would be my bet.

Still another Corona Virus conspiracy says that those with whom Bill Gates is aligned with see the vaccination as a way to control population growth. Because they say that this group want to contain the populations of the world to a certain amount. They believe that the Earth can only handle so many people.


Extraterrestrial Conspiracies and Life in the Universe

Extraterrestrial Conspiracies Is there Other Intelligent Life in the Universe

A question asked by many, for thousands of years is, “are we alone in the universe?”

The Search for Intelligent Life

The WOW’ Signal is a signal which was received coming from one area of space. This helped to renew interest in listening to space, with the idea of hopefully finding some form of intelligent communication out there.  

As an organization in NAZA, the program SETI has been attempting to do just that. Searching in various ways on many different radio wave lengths, to see if there’s intelligent life out there communicating with itself or with other civilizations in the universe.

SETI’s  Method

SETI’s primary method is to use radial Telescopes. The largest’ of these is located in Arecibo message project in Puerto Rico.
Prior to SETI this mission was called The High Resolution Microwave Survey. But that program was discontinued when the funding was blocked by a senator from Nevada.

Extraterrestrial Conspiracies’

The search for intelligent life.

The WOW signal.

SETI has been listening looking for signals from any intelligent civilizations.
NASA has found many planets which could support life out in the universe, but so far no communication has been found.
They believe that within the next 20 years they will know for sure.

So Many Planets Out There

We know there are millions of planets in our own Milky Way Galaxy.
So we are listening for signals in the hopes of picking up on alien communication signals from one or more of these planets.
But we don’t even know if they transmit information in the same way that we do!

The Allen Telescope Array

The Allen telescope Array, which received its initial funding from Paul Allen Microsoft co-founder. 
The largest telescope is located in Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

The Kepler Mission
In March 6th 2008 Kepler was launched. It is a planet finding spacecraft that’s out in our galaxy looking.

To be continued…


Money continued,

Money continued,

So whats wrong with your money?

So as not to go to far back in this article I intentionally started with Breton Woods. In the description of this monetary arrangement, you’ll read that each country agreed to tie its currency to the price of gold.

But what you don’t read is that the United States became the world’s Reserve Currency after World War II. What was Brenton Woods System? 1-22 July 1944.

And the U.S. dollar was now the world reserve currency and it was to be tied to the price of gold.

The agreement was that the U.S. would keep the money (actually currency today’) at a minimum. Because we all know that that when there’s more of something the cheaper it becomes. Over printing of a currency is no different it causes inflation.

Monetary Inflation

So what really is inflation anyway? Monetary inflation is described as a sustained increase in money supply of a countries currency.

Price Inflation

Inflation is cause by the increase printing of a currency. Prices on items will absorb this newly printed currency. Now if you remember one of the definitions of actual money was that it would maintain its value (purchasing power) over long periods of time.

As you know the Federal Reserve has printed the Federal Reserve Note into infinity.

So now you can begin to understand what’s happened to your money!