
UFO’s Do They Exist?

When I was a child I can remember that I seemed to have been playing in a Sand Box. These sand boxes were quite common when I was a child. I remember looking up in the sky and seeing a shinny object it remained for a while then it just disappeared.

When I was a child we lived in San Francisco and this event has always puzzled me, because as a child of maybe 6 years old, why would i even be interested in what was in the sky above me. Who knows what may have happened I sure don’t because my memory of that event is blurred.

Maybe you’ve had a similar experience.

A quote sometimes attributed to Carl Sagan,

“The person that coined this phrase was James V. Screeton setting by a camp fire with friends on a clear stary night, near Canyon Dam Texas. Contemplating the meaning of our existence. The year was 1970. He said looking at the stars ” If god created the entire universe just for us, what an awful waste of space”. He also asked this question ” Is god our dream, or are we god’s dream.”

I tend to think the same way, what makes us think that we are the highest form of life in this vast universe?


History of Money

Taking a look at forms of money throughout history

By 500 BC. many different things had been used as money. The simplest definition of money is what is used to trade value.

Originally what we did was to trade our services to each other. If you were a fisherman you might trade your fishes for some mike to give your children. This is what we call barter trading one service for another.

That system didn’t always work well, you wouldn’t want to trade a cow for a couple of fishes. So another method was needed that would work better within societies. Especially when societies became much larger in size.

In the past there have actually been many different forms of things that were used as money in the past.

The England at one time used sticks as money, they were called Tally sticks.


As soon as we invented money there have been those that can produce more than others and thus earn more money. This created a need to have some place to save that money for some future use. The history of banking go way back in time even to Egypt and Ancient Greece.

In Ancient Rome they used metal coins. Before Rome used coins, Lidia 1200 BC. to 546 BC. they used gold crude coins.

It didn’t take long before people realized that this was a much better and preferable way to conduct transactions. And did you know that those same coins still have a lot of value today!

Sure they have intrinsic value because the’re old, but that’s not all they have value because they were made out of gold. This satisfies many of the qualities that good money needs to have.

Remember that good money needs to have these qualities: Portable, Durable, Divisible, Fungible, A store of value over time.

So we can see that these coins from Lidia satisfy these properties.

I hope that by now you are already starting to get the picture.

We all know just how important money is in all of our lives. But what we have not been taught in our schools is that we are not currently using money. We are using an Impostor, the ghost of money. We currently are using what is called currency, and its not money.

Remember I just taught you that money has to be a store of value over time’ currency loses value over time. So we shouldn’t be calling it money.


Money What is It?

Your Money

Currency isn’t really money? What is money? Sure you’ll say that’s a no-brain’er, it’s what’s in my wallet.

But that’s not the real definition of what money actually is.

Don’t take this so lightly, because we spend most of our life’s working and earning what we think is money, but we are actually deceived. And I will prove it here!

True Definition of Money

Money has to have these qualities or properties.

  1. Portable, If must be Portable easy to carry
  2. Durable, able to take day to day wear and tear
  3. Divisible, able to made into divisible units
  4. Fungible, interchangeable
  5. A Store of Value, able to carry value into the future

So as you can see real money has specific qualities’

We shall examine here weather what you are calling money actually is, or is it a deceiver?

We’ll need to take each of these functional properties and see if what you are calling money today is what it purports to be.

So what’s up with the Federal Reserve So Why do they hate Gold and Silver?

Simple answer, because they can’t print it!

Our Time and Effort

We trade our time and our effort for this stuff called money so it’s important that it keep its value. That way when we intend to use it, the purchasing power will still available to us.

Has anyone taught you about the rule of 72? What that is when you divide any interest rate into the number 72 it will tell you how long it will take for your currency to double.

Now think about it who is receiving any real interest on their savings today?

This video explains modern money creation.