History Medical

Who Is Anthony Fauci Really?

Dr. Fauci

A Must See Video Here!!! Why has this been hidden from us?


As a conspiracy blog we would be amiss if we did not look into the latest medical controversies. We know you have questions and that is what we are all about here. That is why we brought this to your attention. The above video link will shed some light as to what we are facing. Watch and learn the latest. This is the video you have been waiting for to get a better understanding of what has been happening.

Have we as the human population been reduced to wild animals, to be experimented on? It seems that we have! We are kept in the dark as to many important medical issues that can put us all in danger.

What You Do not Know May Hurt You!

Many of us do not know how the monetization of the pharmaceuticals may have led us down a dangerous path. As we all know when it comes to money, their are those who lack scruples, and will take advantage of those who are not informed.

Therefore it becomes very important that we as individuals become much more knowledgeable as to the issues we are facing. We must get informed and stay informed. As to the latest medical updates if we are to survive this ever changing world medical environment.

You may be thinking well who has the time to do all of this. Well those that would take advantage of you are betting exactly on that. They know that you are busy living your life to take the time necessary to investigate the issues.

More Important Than Ever

Today you just can not take that option, it could be deadly! If you want to live long you will need to become much more informed as to who are those that are profiting from our ignorance.

So and you can see it’s no wonder why people have questions about all of this. Some might even say ” something smell fishy.” Thanks, now make sure to watch the video’

History Money

Who Took Out The Nord Stream One and Two Natural Gas Pipe Lines?

In case you are wondering about the Russian Pipe Line Sabotages. By now you must have heard about the sabotage that took place recently to two of the Russian Natural Gas pipe lines that were intended to service Germany and other Western European countries.

The Question is Who Did It?

Who is responsible that is the question being asked? Well let us look into this. Was this an act of war? Obviously if it was done on purpose then that would at least make it an escalation to hostilities. I am not attempting to place blame here, just would like to take some things into consideration, and you the reader can come to your own conclusion.

These two pipe lines, Nord #.1 and Nord #. 2 were created to supply most of Europe with the natural gas needed to not only run the businesses of Europe but also to heat the homes of the people of Europe in the cold winters. As you can see in the map the pipe lines terminate in Germany and from there the gas gets distributed to the rest of Europe.

Aftermath of WW 2

At the end of World War 2 the borders of many European countries were drawn by the powers that were dominant at the time. The Allied Countries who fought to win the war, and were considered to be in control. These were the United States, Britain and Russia they were the major victors.

They were seen as the rescuers of Europe, especially since most of the other powers had capitulated to Germany. Now these are the same powers that remain today. These are considered to be the major players, as China stayed out of the war.

Germany the Engine of Europe

Not to say that the other countries in Europe are not also responsible for a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Europe. It is just that Germany is such a major hub for engineering and manufacturing in Europe.

Having said that, we should note that many important companies manufacture high tech products in Germany to be exported to much of the world.

For these reasons Germany needs a lot of natural gas to run these enterprises. And with the push in recent years for more environmentally friendly means of manufacturing, natural gas was chosen as the go-to energy source as it usually burns cleaner than other forms of energy.

The Dilemma Europe Finds Itself In

So where would they get all of that needed Natural Gas? In steps Russia, Russia being the closest country to Europe with more than enough natural gas above what they consume for their own use. Allowing them to be an exporter of that excess gas to other countries. This also helps their own economy or at least the Oligarchs that profit from this transaction.

Our American media seems to be pointing the finger for this sabotage at Russia. So let us take a look at this, and see if it makes any sense?

Who Benefits?

Whenever there is a criminal investigation generally the investigator will look into who stands to benefit or gain by committing such a crime?

So can go back and take a look at the history of this region. Who the major players are and why they would not want Russia to be the major supplier natural gas to Europe. It seems that these great powers are at odds with each other each wanting to remain the dominant power in Europe.

How Is This Done?

The West no doubt is concerned of what happens if Europe becomes dependent on this Gas Product coming from Russia. What kind of leverage would Russia then have over most of Europe. Because Europe needs natural gas to not only run their businesses with, but also to even heat their homes?

I am not trying to pick sides. It is just that I wanted to give the reader an understanding as to some of the dynamics of this whole complex situation. I hope this article gave you a better understanding as to who the players are, and some of the complexities involved.

Many times the talking heads in media make emotional plies to the public when they have not actually taken the time needed to point out all of the complexities that are actually present.



This is Absolutely Insane–report-says.ry3d90FZj.html

Why would anyone inn their right mind think that this could possibly be a good idea, to assist the Communist Party of China to create more dangerous weapons.

Were this scientist induced with large amounts of money to go and work with a communist country to help them to improve the lethality of their weapons systems.

Who in Washington was mining the store when this was allowed to occur?

Exporting Danger

All of this kind of thinking needs to stop, when will ever learn that created more dangerous weapons goes contrary to life itself. From developing Bio-weapons to missiles that can kill and destroy, when will mankind become tiered of this mental illness.

The money spent to create these things could be better used to help with mental illness and homelessness, which would be definitely a much more productive use of this money.

What the video, link provided to get a better understanding of what has been going on.


Inflation not about Fuel Cost

Why Inflation is Not About Fuel Cost

Inflation is caused by the currency supply.

The Oxford Dictionary describes inflation as The general increase in prices and the fall of purchasing power and the decline in the value of money. The increase in availability of money resulting in inflation.

So let us take a look at this process. You may hear government types saying that the inflation we are experiencing is cause by Russia and Putin, or some other ridiculous argument.

These arguments are there to confuse the populous. And have know basis in reality.

Inflation Didn’t Just Start Recently

When you realize that inflation has been around for a long period of time, you have to take other things into consideration.

That is what we will do here in this article.

So let us get started, using basic terms what happens when something gets inflated It becomes larger.

OK so we can start with that. Now a little patient is in order, as I do not want to lose you.

For anything to get larger there needs to be more of that thing, we surely can agree with this statement I just said.

Felix Somary in the book ,The Raven of Zurich 1986, he is quoted as saying: The State Alone is Responsible for Inflation, Inflation without government is indeed impossible.

So now we have to take a closer look at this and follow this to the conclusion.

Felix was a brilliant man who advised kings and governments.

So we should firstly assume that he knew something about what he was talking about.

So we have the fact that only the State can create and allow for Banking Charters to be created, and allow the banks to create money or shall we call it Currency.

What we call money is actually currency, real money retains the purchasing power over long periods of time. That happens because it is something that is hard to come by. Currency; however, does not need to adhere to that pure definition.

It is Currency and not Money

This is the core of the matter.

This currency that Is used in all of our commerce today is not only allowed or authorized by governments and created by Central Banks is what we are lowed to use period.

If you were to try and create your own private notes or I O Us and circulated them as money, just see how quickly you would wind up on the wrong side of the law if you did that.

Who is in Charge

So now that I have clearly made the argument that only governments can cause inflation, so we need to look at the why, and who benefits.

You’ve no doubt seen countless crime movies and you know that whenever a detective wants to solve a crime he or she will look for the M.O. The motive, or who had to gain by committing the crime.

Did you Know?

Did you know that even under Stalinism, 1924-1939, it wasn’t until the Soviet Unions New Economic policies introducing gold as basis supporting the rubles, at 50,000 rubles to an ounce of gold did their economy rebound? TRAGEDY AND HOPE pg. 248

The Crime Scene

Now we will look at who benefits from this inflation thing we are concerned with here.

You see nothing in our modern world is ever as simple as it seems at first glance. We need to dig deeper to find the answers.

We all know that governments have expenses, things that they promised. And we should know that over time governments make more and more promises to their constituents. And we also know that all of these promises require money or currency to pay for them since people will not work for free, they want to get paid for the work they do.

Can you start to see what why this is all happening?

The more people go to government and ask for things the more currency needs to be created in order to satisfy those requirements.

Now in business their is a law that’s called, The law of supply and demand.

What this law states is that the greater the supply of something the less it cost, and the less there is of something the more it will cost. That is the jest of it.

So here we have I believe discovered one area of the cause for inflation.

In order to give the people what they are asking for, much more currency needs to be created.

I know this is getting pretty long, but there is still more to cover.

I think I will leave it here because I already made my case that inflation is not caused by higher fuel costs, that is just B.S.

Thanks for reading, I will continue with this at a later date in the meantime you can watch Maneco 64 a good person to learn from.

By: Joseph Sanchez

Maneco 64 a good channel to watch


Have we Lost Our Survival Instincts?

Have We Lost Our Survival Instincts?

I commented this:

Today is Fourth of July here in the States, and I am at a party and hearing people sing you know all of those patriotic songs. And it occurred to me that few of these people ever served our country. These songs speak of courage and strength, and then I think of how fast they all capitulated, and acquiesced to Mandates the masks, the shots, and all so as to be a part of the tribe.

No one stopped to considered that they might be in danger, as they lined up to take an experimental concoction of which they were never even given the ingredients as to what was in them, or what the side effects might be.

And the doctors that is whole other issue. Because very few doctors even bothered to research what was in these shots, and what the possible future side-effects might be to the health of their patients. These were supposed to be educated doctors who took the Hippocratic oath to do no harm. And how can they be certain that they are in keeping with their oaths if they didn’t do the research before administering these things.

The Story of the Pig Pen

Let me explain how animals in the wild have better survival instincts than what modern humans have been displaying in recent days. There is a video of someone who has created a Pen out in the wild to catch these wild pigs. So they built this pen out of metal Fencing and installed an electric gate.

In the Pen they puts some food and the watched by camera how the pigs interacted with the pen. The pigs would at first come up to the structure with depredation being cautious not to enter, but soon what look to be the younger of the pigs would enter the structure to get the food.

At the same time there what look to be older pigs which you could tell by their size, much larger and fatter. Now the Older larger pigs would get close to the enclosure and smell it and then back away each time staying outside of the pen. After a while the Trappers would hit a button that worked electronically to close the pen with a loud slamming for the gate the pen was closed and the pigs that had entered were trapped inside.

When this was done the pigs inside became very nervous and began to thrash about inside the pen. And the older fatter pigs that remained outside the pen took off running away.

Can Modern Societies Survive?

How can this society survive when the people have no real character and more why should it survive? Human beings that have lost their most important survival instincts. Were having survival skills what served humanity to get this far in the first place. I really don’t know how much longer we can last if we do not get our survival skills back.

Some elites have been heard to call the average person useless eaters, and just to be clear that is not my belief. I think I now understand how all of this came about.

In the West we have enjoyed an unpresented period of growth and prosperity, with that has come a sense of entitlement. Looking at this I can see how we became to trust all of our Institutions, our Education, News Media, Political Parties, Institutions of Justice and so on…

Today very few of us ever stop to consider that danger may lye in trusting these Institutional Systems to much, that in fact they may have their own agendas. We don’t even stop to think that these Institutions may just being telling us the public what ever serves their own purposes.

It is my contention is that this trap was set long ago, as society gave up much of their critical thinking, excepting modern life to be safe and effective as we are told. We just let our guard down, and outright refused to consider that all may not be that simple. Survival instincts are important to have if human kind is to survive long into the future, and we should never forget that!