
Are We Predators Without Even Knowing It?

In a recent watched a video about the continent of Africa, it was discussed how Africa is full of material assets which the rest of the world has coveted for hundreds of years.

In this video the lady asked the question, why is it that one of our dollars is worth five thousand of African dollars when Africa has all of the resources. Definitely something to ponder isn’t it? Surely we don’t think that it can be right to exploit the whole continent of Africa just so a few in the western countries can be rich, at the expense of millions of Africans.

Just Some of Their Assets

Africa as you may or not know has most of the world’s diamonds. And you may think that diamonds are only used in jewelry, but that’s not all that diamonds are used for, many are used in cutting tools.

Africa also has much of the world Gold as well, there are many active gold mines there. Africa also has many more metals mines, and these metals are used in thousands of product around the world.

Surely This Can’t Last Forever

Surely no one in their right mind can believe that this can continue for ever. Natural law has a way of evening things out sooner or later.

Surely it must be time to reevaluate the situation and pay the Africans in Africa the correct value for the assets that are being extracted from their continent. This may require that items which are made from these assets will need to be more expensive, but that should be considered to be price to pay in a world that respects all of the people.

Follow this link to watch the video here:



Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Blaze Media Co-Founder Glenn Beck about his new book The Great Reset, discrimination of the unvaccinated people, why the government wants to silence Joe Rogan,

The Great Reset, What is it? Why all Americans should be concerned.

Politics Not For You

The main reason the world is going through what we are today is because to many good citizens did not want to be involved in politics.

Someone once wrote “all that has to happen for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” and it sure rings true today doesn’t it?

I think it’s high time that the good people speak up and have their voices heard!

Good Bye Bob, You Will Be Missed’

Re-Awaken America Tours

Re-Awaken America Tour

Re-Awaken America Tour


Why Inflation Makes You Poorer

How Many Times Have You Heard Someone Say? The Statement, “The Poor are getting poorer and the Rich are getting richer.”

I am sure you heard that before, but what they do not tell you is why that is happening. What are the mechanisms causing this phenomena.

So I will explain that to you here. What happens is that the investments that the Rich Person can afford will take advantage of inflation. So that the inflated price of the asset; however, those higher priced assets become much more difficult for the poor person to afford.

Now a basic explanation of inflation is in order. To give you a layman’s explanation: Lets say that you have a large pot of soup, and in it you have chicken, celery, carrots and various other vegetables. At the beginning the soup is very nourishing. But now since you are sharing it with many others so you add more water to the pot of soup, so you begin to have less of that powerful nourishing soup.

So you get the idea to add water to the pot, and now it looks like you have more additional soup. The problem is this soup with the added water is not as nourishing as the original soup originally was.

This may not be a perfect analogy, but you can get the Idea. A similar phenomenon happens with the money that we have.

The money we have gets printed and created in larger and larger amounts, and like the soup example, the money becomes weaker and can’t buy as much as what it once did. Now at first this doesn’t cause to much of a problem for those who got the money first since they are usually invested in things that can adjust for this loss of purchasing power. But for those who are poor in our societies the opposite happens with the inflation or loss of purchasing power.

The Fix

The only way to fix this situation is to have a new Monetary System, a system that actually helps the money to retain it’s purchasing power. For this to happen the money needs to be interchangeable with an asset who’s value either doesn’t vary or if the asset becomes harder to come by and thus more expensive, well then your dollars rise in value the same as the asset.

Under our current monetary system this is not the case. Those who have small amounts of money only see their purchasing power lowered as time goes by and they can’t catch up. It’s impossible for them because they don’t own those assets that I mentioned earlier that do keep up with the inflation rate.

You Can Begin to See the Dilemma

I have actually explained the problem to you and also given you the answer in this short article if you were paying attention. This is why the Rich get richer it’s because they invest in assets, they may buy gold, real-estate, companies etcetera. You may be wondering why would they buy companies? the reason for that is that most of these companies can adjust the pricing of their products to account for the inflation rate.

And the reason they buy assets is because as the inflation rises the price for these assets rises with it thus protecting them from the loss of purchasing power.


The CDC May Be Compromised

CDC may be Compromised 

They do not have authority to mandate anything. The CDC and the vaccine manufacturers of the Covid-19 are lying to you.

When you hear from anyone saying that they are safe and effective they are straight-out lying.

There is no way they can make that claim because these shots have not been around long enough to tell what the long-term effects will be.

And to the contrary, many people who took the vaccines have already been injured.

The VAERS government reporting data base is already reporting over 6,000 injures to individuals who have taken the vaccines. 

Time for a reality check

If the vaccinated can still get sick after taking the vaccine, then we should ask ourselves why are they still pushing it to the public.

We should ask ourselves this question

A common sense thing to think about. Since when would you take a chance vaccinating everyone with an experimental vaccine when the long term side effects are not known, it would be prudent to keep some people unvaccinated so that if there is a problem down the road, well then you haven’t damaged everyone!

I do not know about you, but it sure seems to me that would be a good policy.

On Another Note!

Another issue, what if we need the blood of some non-

non-vaccinated people in the future, and we just do not know that yet! 

Based on what we are seeing here, the people in charge of medicine have been confused and are not using good judgement.

Still have questions then follow the links below’

This Is what I am going to add 


J&J – Jensen

Page 9 -Mandatory Requirements For Pfizer Biotech Covid 19 Vaccine  Administration Under Emergency Use Authorization

These vaccines are designed to turn the human body into a spike protein machine.

If you’ve been watching the news channels lately, they tell you that the unvaccinated are carrying the virus to the vaccinated. Think about that for a moment, that is an admission that the vaccine does not work.

let us look at this is it a fraud? People who are not vaccinated and are not sick can’t pass anything on to a vaccinated person.

It’s more likely that the vaccines are producing an effect in those that are vaccinated that is then being shedded to the un-vaccinated.